
来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanfeizifly
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一、德国目前劳动力就业的基本情况目前,德国人口约为8203万,其中劳动力人口约3969.4万,劳动力参与率男性为67.9%,女性为48.2%。由于一些社会政策的偏差,如高工资、高福利及限制企业裁员等规定,近年来经济运转乏力,国际竞争力下降,甚至削弱了企业雇工的积极性,所以失业率居高不下,尤其是东部有些地区失业率甚至高达20%,地区间差异很大。目前,西部地区平均失业率则为8%,东西部失业率相比差12%,而且长期失业者人数增加,平均失业期延长。德国政府认为高失业地区并非是其促进就业政策不利,而是当地经济结构落伍、市场竞争力差、产品滞销等原因严重影响就业。因此,对这类地区,国家则更重视其经济结构的调整,为解决就业问题奠定宏观基础,营造大环境。二、德国政府近年就业促进政策的重点充分就业是德国社会市场经济所追求的总目标之一,它是减少社会保障压力的最好办法。为此,近年来德国政府采取以下主要措施:(一)扩增财政补助1、政府出资,以补贴工资的方式(补贴工资的30%-80%),增加高失业地区公益性事业(如环卫、绿化、基础设施建设等领域)的就业岗位;2、设立新企业社会保险补助金。具体做法为:新企业成立 First, the basic situation of Germany's current employment of labor At present, Germany has a population of about 82.03 million, of which the labor force is about 39.694 million. The labor force participation rate is 67.9% for males and 48.2% for females. Due to some social policy deviations, such as high wages, high welfare and restrictions on corporate layoffs, the economy has been sluggish in economy and the international competitiveness has been declining in recent years. Even the enthusiasm of enterprises has been weakened, so the unemployment rate remains high, especially in the east Unemployment rates are even as high as 20% in the region and vary greatly from region to region. At present, the average unemployment rate in the western region is 8%, while the unemployment rate in the eastern and western regions is 12%, while the number of long-term unemployed people increases and the average unemployment period is extended. The German government believes that the high-unemployment areas are not detrimental to their employment promotion policies. Rather, they are outdated in the local economic structure, with poor market competitiveness and poor sales of products, which seriously affect their employment. Therefore, for these regions, the state places more emphasis on the adjustment of its economic structure and lays a macroscopic foundation for solving the employment problem and creates a great environment. Second, the focus of the German government employment promotion policies in recent years, full employment is one of the general goals pursued by the German market economy, it is the best way to reduce the pressure on social security. To this end, the German government in recent years to take the following major measures: (A) the expansion of financial subsidies 1, the government funded to subsidize the wages (30% -80% subsidy wage), increase public service in high unemployment areas (such as sanitation , Afforestation, infrastructure construction and other fields); 2, the establishment of new corporate social insurance benefits. The specific approach is: the establishment of new business
10月23日.中央电视台二套.《金土地》栏目报道了一宗中国农村兼并案:位于大连市旅顺口的大龙王塘村,一口气兼并了相邻的三个自然村,四村合一,共冠一村名 October 23 CCTV se
古诗词是中华民族文化的精髓,学习古诗文不仅是积累语言的一种途径,而更能起到提高人文修养,陶冶情操的作用。在极为紧张的复习计划中,如何合理复习古诗词?在此给同学们提几点建议,希望对复习有所帮助。  1.心理上要重视  文言诗词的复习对学生来讲是极为费功夫的,上百首古诗词集中在短短的时间里要做到熟记、默写无误,并对诗词的意境加以揣摩品位,虽说学生不是初学,但也不是件容易的事情。初三学生的日记中有这样的
选择生活,选择工作,选择家庭,选择一本书。  选择健康,选择起点,选择朋友,选择一本书。  你选择你的未来,旅途,仕途,前途,宏图。  我干吗?我选择一本书。  理由呢?没有理由。  刚拿起这本书时,书名《语法是一首温柔的歌》给我的印象,好像语文补习班的宣传广告,因为,以我的学习经验来判断,语法绝对算不上温柔,它更近似清规戒律,需要严格遵守,触犯一点儿便会被老师的笔毫不留情地判“红叉”刑。  可是
湖南省澧县梦溪镇有着世界最早的古稻田,这里是“稻米文化”的发源地。  梦溪镇中心小学被一大片绿油油的稻田环抱着。  夏季的稻田,白鹭翩翩起舞,仿佛优雅的白衣仙子从天而降。水稻下,时而探出几个黑黝黝的小脑袋,忽地一下消失,留下一串串小小的水泡……  冬季,稻田里一片白雾,稻草人在风中守望,像一幅水墨画。稻草柔软蓬松,白天躺在上面看看蓝天白云,夜晚数数小星星,十分惬意。  梦溪镇的同学们在这片一望无际
刘学海(成都市焦点策划营销有限公司总经理 1998年中国十大经典策划案例获得者)由简单数字来决定营销人成败的时代已过去,“金鼎奖”的推出无疑是建起了一个包含社会历史责