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随着CBA职业联赛不断发展与完善,比赛的激烈程度和精彩程度的大幅提升,其影响力不断提高,在世界篮球舞台上扮演了越来越重要的角色。但业余裁判制明显跟不上CBA职业联赛快速发展的步伐,反而限制了CBA职业联赛向更高水平发展的脚步。本文通过文献资料法、数理统计法和专家访谈法找出CBA职业联赛裁判制度存在的各种问题,与NBA职业联赛裁判制度进行对比分析,发现NBA职业联赛裁判制度的先进性和可借鉴性,从而确定CBA篮球裁判向职业化方向发展的可行性。 With the constant development and improvement of the CBA professional league, the intensity and intensity of the competition have been greatly enhanced, and its influence has been continuously enhanced, playing an increasingly important role in the world basketball arena. However, amateur referee system can not keep up with the rapid development of CBA professional league pace, but limited the CBA professional league to a higher level of development. This article finds out the problems existing in the referee system of CBA by means of literature review, mathematical statistics and expert interviews and compares it with the referee system in NBA professional leagues. It finds that the referee system of NBA professional league is advanced and can be used for reference. So as to determine the CBA basketball referee to the feasibility of the development of the professional direction.
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The Indirect Neutron Radiography is a powerful technique for non-destructively measuring specimens with radioactivity in the nuclear industrial field.China Adva