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在小学数学教学中,教师的引导必须目标明确、指向集中;必须“导”在点子上,并恰到好处。这样,教师的“导”才能与学生的“学”有机结合起来,让学生轻松掌握学习方法,在愉快获得知识的同时生长智慧。小学数学教学设计是一门艺术,既要有艺术性,又要有科学性,这样才能进行行之有效的教学。 In primary school mathematics teaching, the teacher’s guidance must be clear and focused; it must be “guided” on the idea and just right. In this way, the teacher’s “guide” can be combined with the student’s “learning” so that students can easily master the learning method and grow wisdom while gaining knowledge. Primary school mathematics teaching design is an art, both artistic, but also scientific, so as to carry out effective teaching.
Cesium iodide CsI(TI)single crystal scintillation detector is composed of the radiation detector,single-channel,the high voltage power supplies and linear ampli
In 2011, HI-13 tandem accelerator provided 27 kinds of ions and 3800 hours beam time. The distribution of beam time versus ion was shown in Fig. 1. The tank has
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This research belongs to the development of nuclear energy project of CEFR irradiation device design and previous studies of cladding material 316 (Ti) SS irrad