
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahw9866
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一、选题依据及研究目的目前,我国北方12月到次年3月果菜供应奇缺,就是少量由南方调入的细菜,因冻烂损失,价格偏高。随着城乡人民生活水平的提高,对鲜嫩果菜需要量越来越大,因此,解决冬季果菜生产已成为迫切需要解决的问题。据国内外资料报道,利用地热资源发展温室生产却是解决冬季果菜生产的有效途径。但就全国来看,地热温室利用只是处于起步阶段,还有很多技术问题尚待进一步研究。鞍山自从在东四方台发现大面积地热资源后,我所曾在1984年作过考察,认为是发展冬季生产的很好资源,列为科研课题。 First, the basis for selection and research purposes At present, northern China in December to March next year, the lack of supply of fruit and vegetables, is a small amount of fine dishes transferred from the South, due to the loss of frozen, the price is high. With the improvement of people’s living standards in urban and rural areas, the demand for fresh fruits and vegetables is getting larger and larger. Therefore, solving the winter fruits and vegetables production has become an urgent problem to be solved. According to domestic and foreign information reports, the use of geothermal resources to develop greenhouse production is to solve winter fruit and vegetable production an effective way. However, as far as the whole country is concerned, the utilization of geothermal greenhouse is only in its infancy, and many technical issues are yet to be further studied. Anshan Since the discovery of a large area of ​​geothermal resources in the Sifangfangtai Station, I conducted an inspection in 1984 and considered it a good resource for developing winter production as a research subject.
我接近60岁的时候,突发房颤,一度严重到不能举步;另外,腰痛发病时,身体弯成九十度,睡觉转侧都要靠别人帮助。多年来,经过求医学医,调整心态,科学锻炼,快乐生活,竟然逐年好转。现在我吃得香,睡得稳,行动自如,毋须吃药打针。一个病人重新获得健康,这种精神上的快乐,那个幸福感,真是无法用文字来表达。   说起来,有三方面的经过。   一是平衡心态。我是从来不去想一个“死”字。我以为,这用不着我去想,说得
动画产业快速发展的因素  进入21世纪后,动画产业进入了飞速发展时期,为社会带来了可观的经济效益和社会效益。  动画产业迅猛发展主要有三方面的原因,首先,伴随着我国经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,市场对动画产品的需求越来越多;其次,随着信息技术的发展,动画产品的质量越来越好、覆盖范围越来越大,生产成本大幅降低;再次,国际市场动画产品的大举进入给我国相关产业带来了很大冲击,我国有必要加快自身动画产业的