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幽默是人类智慧火花艺术的闪现,它通过语言、表情、动作等一定的表达方式表现出来,其效果能愉悦身心,启迪心智。前苏联教育家斯维特洛夫认为:“教育最重要的也是第一位的助手,就是幽默”。中外教育的调查显示,最受学生欢迎的教师类型中,富有幽默感成为教师必备素质之一。 Humor is the spark of the spark of human wisdom. It manifests itself through certain expressions such as language, expression, and movement, and its effect can delight the mind and body and inspire the mind. Former Soviet Union educator Svetlog said: “The most important and educational first aid is humor.” A survey of Chinese and foreign education shows that among the types of teachers most welcome by students, having a sense of humor has become one of the essential qualities of teachers.
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科研人員证实:在一年四季中,人的左右手的皮肤对温度变化的灵敏度是左手不及右手,从而引起了两只手的温度不一样。  在春秋季节,左右两手的温度相差1℃,而冬夏季节则差别较小,约为0.35℃,通常表现为左手比右手温度高些。  科学家认为,这与人的左右大脑的功能不同有关,大脑下达给左右两手的指令也有差别。  此外,左右两手温度调节系统反馈给大脑的信息也存在着差别,这些都是导致双手温度差异的原因。  唐丽光