
来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vbkiller2008
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多年来,广大作者出于对国家财政事业、特别是政府预算管理和公共会计改革发展的热切关心和积极参与,为本刊写作投递了大量稿件,稿件质量总体上不断提升,有效支持了本刊与时俱进的成长。正如没有广大读者的订阅支持就没有报刊生存一样,没有广大作者的精心撰稿也不可能有报刊的持续发展。因此,对广大作者多年来热心为本刊撰稿投稿特致谢忱!与此同时,本刊编辑部在编稿过程中也发现,有些作者存在抄袭剽窃、粗制滥造和所用数据不实等 Over the years, the majority of authors, out of their fervent concern and active participation in the financial management of the country, in particular the administration of government budgets and the development of public accounting reform, have delivered a large number of manuscripts for the publication of the Journal. The quality of the manuscripts has been continuously improved, effectively supporting this issue Progress with the times. Just as there is no newspaper to survive without the subscription support of the vast readership, there can be no continuous development of the newspaper without the careful preparation of the majority of authors. Therefore, for the majority of authors enthusiastic for many years contribution to the articles contributed special thanks! At the same time, editorial department in the compilation of manuscript also found that some authors plagiarism plagiarism, abusive and unreliable data used
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