华亭煤电股份有限公司是经甘肃省政府批准设立的省煤炭行业第一家股份制企业。公司总资产19.54亿元,总负债10.39亿元。公司位于陕甘宁3省交汇处的甘肃省平凉地区华亭县境内,下辖华亭煤矿、砚北煤矿、陈家沟煤矿和东峡煤矿4对现代化矿井,总设计能力为705万吨/年。2002年公司累计生产原煤667万吨,销售商品煤720万吨,实现销售收入5.3亿元,实现利润4185万元,各项经济指标均创历史最好水平。建设千万吨高产高效矿切实可行 华亭煤矿和砚北煤矿属同一井田范围,两矿相距不足100mm,且赋存稳定,地质构造简单,适合采用大规模的综合机械化水平分层放顶煤开采。两矿合并,可充分利用两矿现有设备、技术优势,投资少,建井工期短,达产快。
Huating Coal Co., Ltd. is approved by the Gansu provincial government set up the provincial coal industry's first joint-stock enterprises. The company's total assets of 1.954 billion yuan, total liabilities of 1.039 billion yuan. The company is located in Huating County, Pingliang District, Gansu Province, where the three provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia meet. It owns 4 modernized mines in Huating Coal Mine, Yanbei Coal Mine, Chenjiagou Coal Mine and Dongxia Coal Mine with a total design capacity of 7.05 million tons / year. In 2002, the company produced a total of 6.67 million tons of raw coal and sold 7.2 million tons of commercial coal with a sales income of 530 million yuan and a profit of 41.85 million yuan. All economic indicators hit the best in history. Construction of 10 million tons of high-yield and high-efficiency ore feasible Huating Coal Mine and Yanbei Coal Mine belong to the same minefield, the two mine less than 100mm apart, and the occurrence of stability, simple geological structure, suitable for large-scale integrated mechanized horizontal top coal caving mining. The two mines merger, can make full use of the existing equipment, technical advantages, less investment, short construction period, reaching fast production.