
来源 :水力发电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujialian
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水电站的工程质量,不仅关系电站本身能否按设计要求安全、满发、经济运行,而且关系到下游广大地区人民生命财产的安全,是一个十分重要的问题。50年代和60年代初,我们水电系统对质量问题是非常重视的,工程质量一般是好的;但以后由于“左”的思想干扰,特别是十年动乱期间,机构撤消,制度废弛,质量管理工作有所放松,不少工程质量有所下降。为了改变这一情况,水力发电建设总局于1981年9月召开了水电基本建设工程质量管理工作会议,讨论制订了《水电站建筑安装工程施工质量管理工作若干规定》、《水电工程施工质量责任暂行制度》、《水电基本建设工程施工质量检查办法》等三个文件,现由水总颁发试行。由于问题重大,本刊特予刊载。各单位在试行中有什么意见和建议,请径告水力发电建设总局。 The construction quality of hydropower station is not only related to whether the power station itself can meet the design requirements of safety, full fatness and economic operation, but also relates to the safety of life and property of people in vast areas downstream, which is a very important issue. In the 1950s and early 1960s, our hydropower system paid much attention to the quality problem, and the quality of the project was generally good. However, due to the “Left” ideological interference in the future, especially during the ten years of turmoil, the institution was abolished, the system was abated, and the quality management Work has relaxed, a lot of project quality has declined. In order to change this situation, the Hydropower Construction General Bureau held a working meeting on quality management of hydropower and capital construction in September 1981 to discuss and formulate “Provisions on Construction Quality Management of Hydropower Station Construction and Installation Works”, “Provisional System of Liability for Construction Quality of Hydropower Projects ”,“ Hydropower Construction Project Quality Control Measures ”and other three documents, is now issued by the trial total water. Due to the serious problem, this article is specially published. All the units in the trial of any comments and suggestions, please advise Hydropower Construction Bureau.
(1)气缸向外或向螺栓处串通 该缸作功时向外发出有节奏漏气声,大负荷时最明显。将该缸火花塞短路,响声减轻或消失。 (2)水道与机油油道局部串通 水箱口处有机油,发动机温度
1978年全国科学大会以来,我国水电科学技术成果获各种奖励的共有97项;其中个别成果是与水利交叉的项目。现综合列后,供读者检阅。 Since the 1978 National Science Confere
扛可Souree:AIB of MMIProduction and Sales Volume(Jan. -Feb. , 1995) Souree: AIB of MMIP production and Sales Volume (Jan.-Feb., 1995)