
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaasssddd001
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照顾好孩子服药是家长和幼儿园老师需要密切配合的事情。通常,许多家长要求教师帮助幼儿服药,都是把药交给老师,口头上交待几句。只有个别细心的家长会写上孩子的姓名、药名、剂量。由于晨间接待工作较为忙碌,教师在匆忙中作一些简要记录,服药时一般也不会出现差错,因为幼儿园孩子的病多半是发热、感冒之类的,服用的也多半是些常见药。可是,有一件事却使我改变了看法。有一次,我面对一包叫 Taking good care of your child is a matter that parents and kindergarten teachers need to work closely with. Often, many parents ask their teachers to help young children take the medicine by handing it over to the teacher for a few words. Only a few attentive parents will write the child’s name, drug name, dose. Due to the busy morning reception, the teachers made some brief notes in a hurry. Generally, they did not make any mistakes when taking medicine. Most kindergarten children suffer from fever, flu and the like, and they usually take some common medicines. However, one thing changed my opinion. Once, I faced a pack of calls
20 0 0年初的美国第 1 0 6届国会第 2次会议支持成立电子战工作组 ,隶属于众院武装部队委员会和拨款委员会。在给国防部长Cohen的信中 ,谈到工作组成立时说 ,尽管都知道控制电磁频
现代开关电源正日益向高频化方向发展,国外已有工作频率为兆赫兹的实用电源,国内目前的实用频率在50kHz~100kHz。在 MOSFET 的应用技术中,驱动与保护技术不仅影响电源整机的