一、概况 1983年11月7日山东省菏泽县境内发生了5.9级地震。仪器测定的震中位置为北纬35°14′,东经115°15′,震源深度的13公里。宏观震中位置在菏泽县城西南的马岭岗公社以西和东明县的胡乔公社以东一带。前刘庄和后刘庄的震害较重,极震区的烈度达7度。震区位于平原地带,地形地貌虽不复杂,但地势低洼,地下水位较高,第三纪复盖层厚达数百米到数千米。这里曾是黄泛区,表土松散,属细粉砂土,粘性差,碱性重。地震时局
I. Overview On November 7, 1983, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred in Heze County, Shandong Province. The epicenter location measured by the instrument is 35 ° 14’N, 115 ° 15’E and 13 km depth of the focal point. The epicenter of the macro epicenter is in the area east of Malinggang Commune to the southwest of Heze County and east of Jiaoqiao Commune in Dongming County. Before the Liuzhuang and Liuzhuang earthquake damage heavier, extreme earthquake zone intensity of 7 degrees. Earthquake area is located in the plains, although the topography is not complicated, but low-lying, high groundwater level, Tertiary cover thickness of several hundred meters to several kilometers. It used to be the pan-pan-hui area, with loose topsoil, which is a fine silt with poor viscosity and alkalinity. Earthquake situation