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2003年11月20日,经过整整一年的筹备和组织,中关村科技园区企业家咨询委员会正式成立。三十余名企业老总受邀进入中关村最高决策管理层。有着中关村 IT“教父”之称的柳传志当选为咨询委员会的主任,他和执行副主任、年轻的“海归派”邓中翰进入北京市政府建设中关村领导小组,参与园区重大事项决策。北京市副市长范伯元认为,企业家咨询委员会的成立是“中国推进政治文明进程中具有标志性意义的重大事件”,是“以企业家精神改造政府”的例证。专家表示,随着中关村的发展,多元投资主体纷纷涌现,中关村管理机构导向市场化已经成为一种趋势。企业家出身的委员更了解高科枝企业的特点和管理运作方式,更能代表企业的声音,这将减少因信息不对称而带来的不利影响。许多中关村的从业者则表示,企业家参与发展决策和管理,在一定程度上可以增强中关村科技园区内企业的认同感。我们分别采访了其中的几名委员,以此来“解析”中关村的“内心世界”,反馈本月中关村管委会变革的影响。 November 20, 2003, after a year of preparation and organization, Zhongguancun Science Park Entrepreneurs Advisory Committee was formally established. More than thirty business executives invited to enter the highest decision-making Zhongguancun management. Liu Chuanzhi, with the title of “Godfather” for Zhongguancun IT, was elected as director of the advisory committee. He and the deputy director of the executive committee, the young “returnees” Deng Zhonghan, entered the Beijing municipal government to establish a leading group in Zhongguancun to participate in the decision-making on major issues in the park. Fan Beiyuan, vice mayor of Beijing believes that the establishment of the Entrepreneur Advisory Committee is an example of “landmark event in promoting the process of political civilization in China” and “transforming the government in the spirit of entrepreneurship.” Experts said that with the development of Zhongguancun, diversified investment entities have emerged, and the market-oriented management of Zhongguancun has become a trend. Entrepreneurs more familiar with the characteristics of high-tech branch enterprises and management mode of operation, more representative of the voice of enterprises, which will reduce the adverse impact of asymmetric information. Many practitioners in Zhongguancun said that entrepreneurs' participation in development decision-making and management can to a certain extent enhance the identity of enterprises in Zhongguancun Science Park. We interviewed several of them respectively in order to “resolve” the “inner world” of Zhongguancun and give feedback on the impact of the reform of the Zhongguancun Administrative Committee this month.
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