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  people who love my work love it. They, yeah, they...they think it’s really intimate and really honest and everything. People who don’t like my work think it’s sentimental and 1)crass.
  You’ve got to keep yourself free and honest to...to you, true to what you’re doing, because otherwise you just...you just get lost, you just end up being depressed and really weird and questioning what the whole thing about art is all about anyway.
  I make art that is really, really personal, so people felt that they could attack me through the art because I was putting myself out there with this personal language. Because, even though they were critics, they didn’t have the intelligence to still understand that of course it’s the separation from me.
  Art is...is perceived differently in different places at different times by different people, so there’s nothing I’ve done to be controversial or shocking. I’m a fighter. God am I a fighter! If I 2)retaliated, God help them. You know, that’s not a threat. It’s just that I need my energy for my art. I need my energy for myself. If I start retaliating on every tiny...tiny battle, I would never win my war with myself as being an artist. It’s difficult being an artist. It goes against the grain of things, and, for that reason I need all my self-strength and 3)stamina. I can’t go around fighting all those little battles with people, you know.
  A n d I h a d this massive big 4)sledgehammer and I’ve got all my paintings, carried them downstairs, put them in the middle of the courtyard and got the sledgehammer, and I smashed them to 5)smithereens, and they were all wood, a lot of them, as well on 6)hardboard, and then...and I had blood running off my hands and I was screaming and everything I was doing. And now, if I had known, I would have had filmed it. Would have been fantastic, so...
  I’ve managed to overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, and I’ve managed to do it really well, and that is through my love of art and art loving me. Art has taken care of me, and...and it’s good, it’s a fantastic 7)symbiotic thing. I always say art is like a lover, and even if I tried to leave it, it comes back and 8)cradles me and looks after me, and my life has made perfect sense because of the art. The suffering is nothing in comparison to the joy and the...and the happiness and the appreciation and the luck and the good fortune that the art has brought me. It’s fantastic!
  When…when I was younger I made work that was so close to me, it touched me, and at the beginning a lot of people didn’t see it as being art. They just saw it as “object dull.” All my…my personal effects. They couldn’t relate to it as art. And still people have a lot of difficulty with those works, but, for me, it was just me making something with the reality of the subjects. So instead of making a drawing of it or sculpture of it, making something, I just used it.   Being an artist and using my memory for my work, I don’t want to disconnect myself from my past completely, but I would like to see it from a different perspective. I’d like to see it from the pers…perspective of being an adult as opposed to always seeing it from being like an adolescent girl. I don’t want to be a screaming adolescent girl when I’m nearly 50. I want to get some balance and some middle ground in my life, but at the same hand [sic] I don’t want to be really boring. I want, you know, I want to be a…I think “develop” is the word, develop and push things further.
  I’m a very passionate person, and I’m, you know, I have a…deep emotions. We all have emotions, but mine really come out, like one of my friends say that I apparently have containment issues. You know, I’m always constantly telling the truth apparently, you know, I’m always saying things you shouldn’t say. But I’m always making work about things that are close subject matter for a lot of people. I still have all those subject matters that I work with, and I still work with them, but maybe in a different kind of way or in a more indepth way. Or maybe I’ve been exhausted doing it. In one way this sort of screaming adolescent girl hasn’t got any more energy left. Now I’ve got to sort of sit down and think “Well, what have I got, what can I work with?” What I can work with now really is my hands and my knowledge and my information of the visual arts and my love of art history.
  I think galleries are the new cathedrals, the new churches, and I think all art, whether it’s in a church or whether it’s in a gallery, gives people...It’s a...it’s a place and space for mental 9)contemplation, which is really important, and that’s what’s so beautiful and important about art.


  我拿起一个结实的大锤,把我所有的画都搬到楼下,放在院子中间,举起大锤把它们砸成碎片。那些画都是木质的,有很多,而且还是硬质纤维板的,然后……鲜血从我的双手流下,我尖叫着,疯了一般。现在回头看看,那时没有想到,应该把那一幕拍下来的,会很有趣,所以……   我这一生克服了许多困难,我成功战胜了它们,这有赖于我对艺术的爱和艺术对我的爱。艺术一直在照看着我,我和艺术之间是一种奇妙的、相互依靠的关系。我总是说,艺术就像一位爱人,即使我要离开它,它也会回到我身边,呵护着我,照顾着我。因为艺术,我的生命充满了意义。相比起艺术带给我的欣喜、快乐、感恩和幸运,我所承受的痛苦根本不算什么。艺术真是太美妙了!


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