
来源 :国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kamomoo
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颅内段面神经位于桥小脑角区,它起自脑桥,位于听神经前方,至进入内耳道的全程始终与听神经伴行。因此听神经瘤在进展过程中,常有面神经受损症状,手术切除听神经瘤时也易损伤面神经。目前显微外科手术广泛开展,不仅听神经瘤死亡率降低,而且能达到完全治愈和无后遗症的理想水平。故在听神经瘤治疗中,面、听神经的保留和重建已成为令人瞩目的课题,现就面神经的有关问题简述如下。面神经的功能检查听神经瘤早期很少出现面神经麻痹的症状和体征,但面神经的感觉纤维和付交感纤维则可能在早期出现功能障碍。House报告 The intracranial segmental facial nerve is located in the cerebellopontine angle region. It arises from the pons, in front of the auditory nerve, and is always associated with the auditory nerve during the entire course of entering the internal auditory canal. Therefore, in the course of the progress of acoustic neuroma, there are often symptoms of facial nerve damage. It is also easy to damage the facial nerve when surgically removing acoustic neuromas. At present, microsurgery is widely carried out. Not only the death rate of acoustic neuroma is reduced, but also the ideal level of complete healing and no sequelae can be achieved. Therefore, in the treatment of acoustic neuromas, the preservation and reconstruction of facial and auditory nerves has become a topic of interest. The relevant issues of facial nerves are briefly described below. Functional Examination of the Facial Nerve The facial nerve palsy symptoms and signs are rarely seen in the early period of the acoustic neuroma, but the sensory fibers and sympathetic fibers of the facial nerve may have dysfunction in the early stage. House report
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