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基于黄河三角洲3期遥感影像,以垦利县为研究区,综合运用RS与GIS技术,通过构建土地盐化指数、土地盐化综合指数、土地变化驱动力重心与向量模型等,对研究区1987—2007年的盐化土地动态及其驱动力进行定量分析。研究结果显示:垦利县的土地盐化程度呈现了重—轻—重的变化趋势,区域内盐化程度由沿海向内陆依次递减;且以黄河为轴线对称分布,黄河沿岸以及地势较高的西南部盐化程度较低。重度盐化土地先减后增;中度持续减少,轻度则是先增后减。海洋和黄河相互作用影响着垦利县的水盐运动,是该区土地盐化动态的内在驱动,而人类活动的影响以土地利用类型转化的形式表现,是土地盐化动态的外在驱动力。研究为区域盐化地治理和农业可持续发展提供了科学依据,对黄河三角洲土地资源的可持续利用有积极的理论和现实意义。 Based on the 3 remote sensing images of the Yellow River Delta and Kenli County as the research area, RS and GIS technologies were used synthetically to construct the land salinization index, the comprehensive index of land salinization, the center of gravity of the land change and the vector model. The Dynamics and Driving Forces of Salinized Land in 2007: A Quantitative Analysis. The results show that the degree of land salinization in Kenli County shows a tendency of heavy-light-heavy, and the degree of salinization in the area decreases from coastal to inland; the distribution is symmetrical about the axis of the Yellow River; the coast of the Yellow River and the high terrain The degree of salinization in the southwest is lower. Severely salinated land first reduced later; moderate continued to decrease, mild is the first increase and then decrease. The interaction between the ocean and the Yellow River affects the water and salt movement in Kenli County, which is the inner driving force of salinization of land in this area. However, the influence of human activities in the form of land use conversion is the external driving force of salinization of land . The research provides a scientific basis for the regional salinization and the sustainable development of agriculture, and has a positive theoretical and practical significance for the sustainable utilization of the land resources in the Yellow River Delta.
摘要:当我们抱怨现在的小学生小小年纪谎言就脱口而出的时候,作为成人的我们是否也该思考一下,我们是否也有着不可推卸的责任。作为老师则应该充分发挥自身的作用,对小学生进行诚信教育。    关键词:教师;诚信;小学生    中图分类号:G456文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)10-008-1    一、善于在教学中抓住可进行诚信教育的契机    首些我们可以用各种形式来对学生展开
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To solve the different time delays that exist in the control device installed on spatial structures, in this study, discrete analysis using a 2~N precise algori