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属于大型企业。根据主管领导机关的安排,沈阳市工业安装工程公司被列为组建股份有限公司或有限责任公司的先行单位。在认真学习《公司法》,研究了建筑行业试点单位的经验后,我们感到组建有限责任公司在操作中要着重解决好以下四个问题。 一、解决好组建有限责任公司的认识问题 在组建有限责任公司中存在着不同程度的模糊认识。一是认为企业应先搞一点名堂,多办一点实事,现在“吃饭”开资都有困难,还搞什么有限责任公司。二是认为把现有企业改造成为公司制,不是一朝一夕的事情。不要急,以后再搞也不晚。三是认为搞不搞公司制是一个样,就是搞了有限责任公司,还是现在的人马刀枪,好也好不了多少,只不过是换个牌子走形式。 Belong to large companies. According to the arrangements of the leading authorities, the Shenyang Industrial Installation Engineering Company was listed as a predecessor company to establish a company limited by shares or a limited liability company. After earnestly studying the “Company Law” and studying the experiences of the pilot units in the construction industry, we feel that the formation of a limited liability company must focus on solving the following four problems in its operations. First, to solve the problem of establishing the awareness of limited liability companies There are varying degrees of ambiguity in the formation of limited liability companies. The first is that companies should develop a little reputation and do more practical things. Now that it is difficult to invest in “eating”, what is also a limited liability company? The second is that the transformation of existing companies into a company system is not an overnight event. Don’t worry, it’s not too late to do it later. The third is to think that it is the same kind of company that does not engage in the company system, that is, it has engaged in limited liability companies, or is it now a man-horse knife and gun. No matter how good it is, it is just a change of brand form.
1994年我国染料生产和进出口情况1994年我国染料的产量据不完全统计为147612吨、比上年下降3.48%,其中硫化染料58449吨、比上年下降0.63%;直接染料7588吨、比上年下降12.74%;酸性染料8792吨、比上年下降20.47%;中性... Dye product
一、当前班组建设工作存在的主要问题 企业在充满激烈竞争的市场经济面前,对班组建设有的未能持之以恒,有的仅作勉强应付,有的干脆置于脑后,在思想上、行动上有诸多不适应之
1995年9月7日,中外合资西斯尔(广东)玻璃棉制品有限公司离心玻璃棉窑炉点火烤窑。 该公司总投资为2773万美元,占地4万多m~2。主生产线全部采用从法国、意大利及澳大利亚引进
众所周知本田轿车在国际市场上具有很强的竞争力,畅销海外.但是另一方面近年来它在日本国内却销售不畅,目前本田公司正采取一系列措施提高销量,以图重振雄风. As we all kno