《XN—600 XQ—1200接触焊控制箱》一书即将出版

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接触焊是现代机械制造中的一种重要焊接工艺。我国生产和使用的XN、XQ接触焊控制箱,是五十年代从苏联引进的(仿制美国四十年代的产品)。目前国内使用数量很大。但是由于产品原始技术资料缺乏,设计上也存在一些问题,给使用和维修带来了极大的困难,有的甚至搁置无法使用,造成浪费。为加速我国工业化进程,充分利用一切现有设备,成都电焊机厂赵才穆等同志总结了该类设备使用和改造的经验,编写了这本书。本书介绍了两类通用型焊接控制设备,分别用于控制各种通用型点焊机和缝焊机。全书以应用技术力主,兼顾基础理论。本书内容丰富,专业性强,可供焊接设备维修人员和焊工学习参考,也可作短期训练班教材。该书由四川人民出版社出版,在全国各大中城市新华书店发行。 Contact welding is an important welding process in modern machinery. China produced and used XN, XQ contact welding control box, was introduced in the 1950s from the Soviet Union (imitation of the United States in the 1940s). At present, a large number of domestic use. However, due to the lack of original technical data of the product, there are some problems in the design, which bring great difficulties to the use and maintenance. Some even put aside the uselessness and caused waste. In order to speed up the process of industrialization in our country and make full use of all existing equipment, Zhao Caimu and other comrades at Chengdu Electric Welding Factory summarized the experience of using and transforming such equipment and compiled this book. This book introduces two general types of welding control equipment, used to control a variety of general-purpose spot welders and seam welders. The book focuses on application technology, taking into account the basic theory. The book is rich in content, professional and strong, for welding equipment maintenance personnel and welders to learn from, but also for short-term training course materials. The book by the Sichuan People’s Publishing House, in the country’s major cities Xinhua Bookstore distribution.
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