产权制度的改革是经济体制改革的核心和关键,也是建立社会主义市场经济体制的前提和根本。 多年来,南充城市经济形成的以农副产品加工和轻纺工业为主,决定了全市产权制度改革的重点。从1994年以来,根据有关要求和借鉴外地经验,结合南充实际,积极推进国有集体中小型企业产权制度改革,截至1997年4月底止,全市完成企业占应改制企业的60.20%,涌
The reform of the property rights system is the core and key to the reform of the economic system. It is also the premise and foundation for the establishment of a socialist market economic system. For many years, the Nanchong urban economy formed mainly agricultural and sideline products processing and light textile industry, which determined the focus of the city’s property rights system reform. Since 1994, based on relevant requirements and lessons learned from overseas, combined with the actual situation in Nanchong, the state-owned collective small and medium-sized enterprises’ property rights reform has been actively promoted. As of the end of April 1997, the city had completed 60.20% of the enterprises that had taken up the reform.