Drivers of nest survival rate in a southern Tunisian population of Laughing Doves (Spilopelia senega

来源 :鸟类学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assofour
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Background:Investigating the ecological factors and processes shaping nest survival is of great importance for assessing the breeding success of bird populations and understanding their spatio-temporal dynamics. Here, this question is addressed for the Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis), an expanding Afro-tropical bird in the Tunisian oasis habitat. Methods: This study took place in Kettana oasis, in south-east Tunisia. Natural Laughing Dove nests were searched for and monitored by means of regular visits, from the discovery date until the end of the breeding attempt (i.e. fledging or failure). Data were then used to investigate the relevance of laying date, nest age (days after clutch initiation), nest height and vegetation structure in the close nest tree environment as predictors of daily nest survival rate, using logistic-exposure models that accounted for heterogeneity in monitoring period among the studied nests. Models including different combinations of covariates were ranked according to their AICc scores, and the model-averaging technique was used for the assessment of the effects of covariates on daily nest survival rate. Results: Vegetation structure in the close nest tree environment and nest age provided important predictors of daily nest survival rate, whereas neither nest height nor laying date showed significant effects. Daily nest survival rate was negatively associated with the presence of date palm trees in the close nest tree environment, but it was positively related to nest age. Daily nest survival rate was higher during the post-hatching stage than during the pre-hatching stage. Conclusions: Nests placed on fruit trees close to clumps of palm trees suffered higher predation risks compared to those placed on fruit trees situated far from palm trees. This is probably because palm tree clumps provided refuges for nest predators, notably the Black Rat (Rattus rattus) which has been reported to be the main nest predator in the oasis habitat. The predatory activity of this rodent seemed more directed against eggs than nestlings, which may explain the observed increase in daily survival rate with nest age.
信息技术的广泛运用,为人们的生活、学习、工作带来了极大的方便。信息技术因它智能高效、资源丰富、生动形象、交互性强等特点,深受人们的喜爱。然而信息技术也给幼教领域工作的开展带来了方便,在幼儿教育中有着不可替代的、独特的作用。它不仅优化了幼儿的学习过程和学习资源,还提高了学习效率和学习质量。现以幼儿教育中建构游戏为例,说说信息技术的运用及其成效。  一、在活动准备中,利用信息技术,建立事物表象  建构
案例  集体教学活动时,我和班级的孩子利用两个粗细不一的瓶子进行体积守恒的实验。集体教学活动结束后,我将相关材料投放在科学探索区,供孩子们在游戏时自由操作、自主探索,充分感知體积守恒的概念。  当材料投放之后,孩子们对这一操作活动非常感兴趣,每次游戏时都有幼儿在这里或是探索,或是观察,或是等待。这一天上午,游戏依然进行着,小志来到了科学区,他非常想要来试一试这个实验。可是,此时已经有朋友在这里玩了
[摘要]《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中指出:幼儿的学习是以直接经验为基础,在游戏和日常生活中进行的。要珍视游戏和生活的独特价值,创设丰富的教育环境,合理安排一日生活,最大限度地支持和满足幼儿通过直接感知、实际操作和亲身体验获取经验的需要。所以,幼儿园应该以游戏活动为孩子的主要活动,特别是农村幼儿园要真正认识到这一点,不只是把认识停留在理论上,而应该认真践行,从各方面努力提高游戏活动的质量。  游
[摘要]大班幼儿对角色游戏有着浓厚的兴趣,游戏欲望强烈。但在幼儿角色游戏高发期的大班年龄段,角色游戏开展现状并不理想,存在游戏开展不够充分、游戏水平停滞不前、教师指导不足等问题。本文梳理了目前存在的问题,针对这些问题进行了实践探究并提出了推进策略:自主角色游戏形式满足大班幼儿游戏需要、巧用游戏记录提高大班幼儿游戏水平、提升理念促进教师在游戏中对幼儿的支持等,以此促进大班角色游戏的深度进行。  [关
正文:众所周知,学校教育的对象是学生,家长是学校实施教育指导的重要合作伙伴。北师大学校研究中心研究员洪明认为: “学校教育需要家庭的参与与配合,家庭教育也需要学校的专业指导,共同发力,才能缔造孩子成长的完美环境。”  一般情况下,幼儿园会利用家访、家园联系窗、成长档案、家长会、开放日活动等途径搭建家园共育的桥梁,而这些活动本质上都是由教师单方面发起的,家长作为参与者,更多是被动接受,教育成效难以考
中班幼儿开始对自主游戏越来越感兴趣,班级的建构区是他们最爱去的地方。一天,游戏时孩子们在谈论自己坐火车去过很多地方旅游,他们争相讲述着自己坐火车的经历和火车的样子,最后他们决定要自己拼个火车。  第一次搭建:火车、轨道和车站  游戏场景:  孩子们在建构区里开始忙碌起来,思羽和景逸用纸杯和积木开始搭火车站里的楼房。齐齐和另外两个孩子选择了塑料建构玩具在地上开始拼接轨道。不一会,景逸搭建的火车站的休