
来源 :铁道标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hui123456gavin
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现代的铁路、公路、港工、地下建筑等等多种工程的施工中,广泛采用了锚杆支护的方法。随着支护技术的发展,不断要求增大土层锚杆的抗拔能力,或者根据外界对锚杆予计拉力的数值来调整锚杆,使其最理想的适应使用状况。为了解决锚杆发展的这一重要课题,我们于1977年8月完成了机械定量扩孔锚杆及传动装置的设计。经天津市地下铁路工程公司制造、调试,并进行了试验,在一组六根长度5 Modern railway, highway, port workers, underground construction and so on a variety of construction projects, the widely used method of bolt support. With the development of support technology, it is constantly required to increase the anti-pull capacity of soil anchor rod or to adjust the anchor rod according to the value of prestressed tensile force of anchor rod to make it be the most suitable condition for use. In order to solve this important issue of bolt development, we completed the design of mechanical quantitative reaming bolt and transmission in August 1977. The Tianjin Mass Transit Railway Corporation manufacturing, commissioning, and conducted a test, a group of six length 5
邓在军创造了中国电视艺术的数项第一: 第一次 开创了用交响乐和电声乐队为京剧伴奏 的《古今戏曲大汇唱》 第一次 在《金梭与银梭》歌唱中实行伴舞 第一次 创立了动物拟人小
一个骑28破自行车的老外,整天行色匆匆,忙忙碌碌,打听一下。海口几乎随便谁都能告诉你,那个人呀,就是冯汉…… A riding a broken bicycle 28 foreigners, hurried all day
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