来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dyflovedyf
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Objective: To determine the role of microsatellite alterations in carcinogenesis of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Methods: Alterations of 10 microsatellite loci from 5 different chromosomes were detected in 92 colorectal cancers and their paired normal mucosa by PCR, denatured polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. Associations of microsatellite alterations with clinopathologic parameters were statistically clarified.Results: Alterations of microsatellite were classified into microsatellite instability type I, type II and loss of heterozygosity (LOH). The carcinoma with ≥30% loci microsatellite alterations was defined as replication error(RER) positive tumors. Of 92 cases, 14 were RER+. Microsatellite alterations of P53-{(1)} and D18S363 loci (64.29% ) was most commonly identified in the RER+ tumors. RER+ were more commonly seen in poorly differentiated carcinomas and tended to occur in mucoid carcinomas. The type of microsatellite alterations varied in different histological types of CRC. Conclusions: Microsatellite alteration is a common molecular event in CRC. Different microsatellite loci showed various biologic significance. P53-{(1)} and D18S363 should be essentially detected loci that can show the RER status of tumors. Methods: Alterations of 10 microsatellite loci from 5 different chromosomes were detected in 92 colorectal cancers and their paired normal mucosa by PCR, denatured polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining The Associations of microsatellite alterations with clinopathologic parameters were afflicted with ly clarified.Results: Alterations of microsatellite were classified classified microsatellite instability type I, type II and loss of heterozygosity (LOH). The carcinoma with ≥30% loci microsatellite alterations was defined as replication error ( RER) positive tumors. Of 92 cases, 14 were RER+. Microsatellite alterations of P53-{(1)} and D18S363 loci (64.29%) were most typically identified in the RER+ tumors. RER+ were more commonly seen In poorly differentiated carcinomas and tended to occur in mucoid carcinomas. The type of microsatellite alterations varied in different Histological types of CRC. Conclusions: Microsatellite alteration is a common molecular event in CRC. Different microsatellite loci showed various biologic significance. P53-{(1)} and D18S363 should be essentially detected loci that can show the RER Status of tumors.
用电加热方式对新型自补偿γ量热计进行了刻度,测量了低功率反应堆的K11孔道和7号孔道内不锈钢的γ释热率。在相同γ释热条件下,使γ释热率的测量误差由没刻度时的±8.0%减小到±1.0%。 Th
第一则:王羲之写春联东晋著名书法家王羲之在书法史上被尊为“书圣”。相传,有一年腊月,他从山东老家迁移到浙江绍兴落户,乔迁之喜又值新年之庆,不禁挥毫写就一副门联: The
一、时代的产物 1995年10月30日,在中华人民共和国第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十六次会议上通过了江泽民主席签发的中华人民共和国第56号主席令——《中华人民共和