Pragmatics Theories Used in English Translation

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  摘要:How to make English translation effectively has been put into a very high level and new area within the recent years. To teach English effectively can not be satisfied with the current requires putting by teachers and students. In this paper, many pragmatics theories will be used to illustrate the ways to improve the English translation. The theories will be included: implicature theory, context analysis theory, equivalent theory, relevant theory.
  关键词:implicature theory;context analysis theory;equivalent theory;relevant theory
  Levinson said: “the pragmatics is the studies of the semantics.” Pragmatics translation is the equivalent translation of the original and translation in pragmatics meaning. It can properly express the original intension with the native language. The meaning of pragmatics emphasized the righteousness of language component, namely the meaning when the words are used in the practical application. Pragmatics meaning refers to the meaning that can be derived by depending on context. This derivation is a kind of discourse meaning. According to linguistics Grice implicature theory, the participants of communication should conformity with the four maxims, quality maxim, quantity maxim, relevant maxim, manner maxim. Hatim and Mason and Gutt are primary scholars researching on translation used pragmatics theories. Gutt pointed out relevance theory translation in Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context. Due to this concept can explain communicative translation powerfully, it has a great influence on the area of translation. The greatest improvement in pragmatics translation was the publication of The Pragmatics of Translation edited by Leo Hickey. It includes various combinations between pragmatics and translation, such as, cooperative principle and literature translation, the thought of relevance theory, etc.
  2.Conversational implicature used in English translation
  In 1967, William James first introduced the definition of conversational implicature and then this theory became known to the public[1]. When we talk about implicature conversation, we need to prefer to introduce or say something about the natural meaning and non-nature meaning. Austin made the distinction between what speakers say and what they mean. Grices theory is an attempt at explaining how a hearer gets from what is said to what is meant, from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning. In English translation, what kind of method or meaning should we chose? From Chinese translator, heZiran, said English translation need to conformity to the original writing, need to express clear, and need to be received by any kinds of reader.   E.g
  A: how is C getting on in his job?
  B: oh quite well, I think, he likes his colleagues and he hasnt been to prison yet. From the conversational implicature, there are three things we can get: (1)the meaning of the words, (2)the identify of he, (3)the time of utterance; in B, the speaker doesnt mean C isnt been to prison. He means C isnt of person likely to yield to temptation from his occupation. Grice argues that we can make a distinction between what B said in this case and what he, implied suggested or meant.
  2.1 Cooperative principle used in English translation
  Some scholars may think cooperative principle can be used by speaker only. Because they should express clearly. But as a translator, they should take the principle to be consideration when they translate something. They are four maxims, (1)the maxim of Quality, (2)the maxim of quantity, (3)the maxim of relation, (4)the maxim of manner. When the translator uses those principles, the original writing will be clearer to express the real feeling of the author. For example,
  A: would you like to our party tonight?
  B: I m afraid I ‘m not feeling so well today? From the B, he did not express clearly, by using “I m afraid”. So, the deepest meaning of writing can not be translated into or be understood by reader and translator without the help of the maxim of manner. Grice thinks only both parts comply with principle, they can cooperate with each other.
  3.Context analysis used in translation
  Malinowskis (1923)context of situation: exactly as in the reality of spoken or writing language, a word without linguistic context is a mere figment and stands for nothing by itself, so in the reality of a spoken living tongue, the utterance has no meaning except in the context of situation. The concept of “context” was raised by the Polish anthropologist B. Malinowski in 1923. His observation can be seen as one of the necessary pillars of any theory of pragmatics.” Verschuneren. J. R. Firth inspired by Malinnowskis views. He thought context could be regarded as the four levels: (1)the syntagmatic relations between the elements in structure; (2)the paradigmatic relations between units in the system; (3)the relations between text and non-linguistic elements, and their general effects; (4)the analytical relations between “bit” and pieces” of text (words, parts of words, phrases)and the special elements within the situation (items, objects, person, personalities, events). Before the language goes into the society, it will change to the non-natural language. Language will connect with many social factors. It is apparent that the translators need to consider something elements about context. No matter how natural our language facilities or how convention-bound their use, as language users, we always operate in context. Therefore, the context looms large, and has to be taken into account whenever we formulate our thoughts about language.   E.g
  A: do you have extra money to pay for your electricity fee?
  B: yes, I do.
  “I do” in the conservation means “yes, I have extra money to pay for my electricity fee. Different context will produce different meaning.
  He wrote down the figure 0-9. 数字
  He is a man of fine figure. 身材
  Churchill is the greatest figure of his time. 人物
  Through the mist we can only see the figure of the hill. 轮廓
  Figure has many meaning in different context; it is just an example of such kind words. What we should do is to improve our English and extent the quantity of vocabulary.
  4.Equivalent theory used in English translation
  Pragmatics translation can be treated as a kind of equivalent translation. (Stephen C. Levinson)Pragmatics translation is a new theory model to avoid embarrassing and strive to the equivalence. The translator applies pragmatics principles consciously or unconsciously to instruct their translation, which shows the close relationship of the pragmatics and translation. We can analyze pragmatic equivalent translation from two perspectives. There are two elements; the first one is equivalent translation in pragmatics language. It can achieve equivalent translation through the comparison of two languages. This translation is not constrained by original form, but it strives to save original content. It uses the closest and the most natural equivalent translation to reproduce the original content in order to achieve the equivalent purpose. The second is equivalent translation in social pragmatics. It is analyzed from the perspective of socio-pragmatics. It achieves social pragmatics equivalent through the comparison of the two languages.
  5.Relevant theory used in English translation
  According to Sperber & Wilson, every verbal communication is an act of ostensive-inferential communication that communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. In China, LinKenan first introduce the relevant theory into China and then that theory developing quickly[2], from the perspective of relevant theory, relevant principle is the principle that exists in the mind of a translator and it is impossible to be violated. Relevant theory emphasizes that translator should first identify the original intention correctly. Then, finding out the differences between the original and the translation by studying the two languages. If the translator copies the original image and expression blindly and totally ignoring the background and differences of reader, it will make the readers lose interest or misunderstanding. Therefore, from the perspective of pragmatics, no matter how the translation is processed, as long as it can convey the original intension and achieve the goals of communication, it is a kind of practical translation.   6.Conclusion
  Because of many uncertain factors which influence the quality of translation. So the efficient translation methods should be put into the priority when the author begin or just prepare to translate some writings. As long as we acquire those kinds of theories, we can translate accurately and efficiently. Last but not least, the pragmatics area also can be improved under the help of translation.
  [3]柯平.英汉与汉英翻译教程[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 1993.
  [4]金惠康.跨文化交际翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版社, 2003.
  [5]曾宪才.语义语用与翻译[J].现代外语, 1993, (1): 23-27.
  [7]Gutt,Ernst-August.Translation and Relevance:Cognition and Context[M]. Oxford:Balekwell. 1991.
  [8]Leo Hickey.The Pragmatics of Translations[C]. Shanghai: Shangha Foreign Language Education Press. 2001.
  [9]Hickey, Leo (ed. )The Pragmatics of Translation [M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.
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