一、教师要从繁重的教唱工作中“减负” 近来听了不少小学音乐老师的音乐课(实为唱歌课),常见一些老师在范唱歌曲后,便开始教唱谱,学生在没有音高概念和唱名反应能力的情况下,凭听觉记忆模仿老师,不亚于囫囵吞枣,以至出现学唱谱比学唱词更困难的现象,因为学生对字
First, the teacher from the arduous task of teaching singing and music “to reduce the burden” Recently, I listened to many primary school music teacher's music class (singing class), some teachers in the van singing songs, they began to teach the singing spectrum, students in the absence of Pitch concept and ability to sing the name of the case, with the auditory memory imitation of the teacher, no less than swaddling, and even appear more difficult to learn to sing than sing the lyrics of the phenomenon, because students of the word