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煤矿井下甲烷是公认的主要安全隐患,井下爆炸大都是由甲烷引起的。安全规程中规定了矿井风流中允许的甲烷浓度。对甲烷浓度进行准确测定一直认为是很必要的。在过去30年中,研究人员已研制出了各式各样的矿用便携式甲烷检测仪。而目前井下使用的所有甲烷检测仪都需要使气体通过检测元件。这些检测仪器配以可伸缩探头、取样泵、吸气球、管束等,可用于远距离检测,这些附加设备的作用是把气样从取样点传送到检测仪。在现代环境遥控系统中,传感器设置在被检测区域内,所产生的信号借助于遥测装置传输给控制台的计算机。在所有这些检测系统中,必须有气样通过传感器。 Methane in coal mines is a recognized major safety hazard. Most of the underground explosions are caused by methane. The safety regulations stipulate the methane concentration allowed in the wind flow in the mine. Accurate determination of methane concentration has always been considered necessary. In the past 30 years, researchers have developed a wide range of mining portable methane detector. At the moment all methane detectors used downhole need to pass gas through the test cell. These detectors are equipped with retractable probes, sampling pumps, aspirating balloons, tube bundles, etc. for long-range detection. These additional devices serve to transfer gas samples from the sampling point to the detector. In the modern environment remote control system, the sensor is arranged in the area to be detected and the generated signal is transmitted to the control computer by means of telemetry. In all of these test systems, a gas sample must pass through the sensor.
0 引言 全麻诱导后喉镜窥视和气管插管可引起心动过速、血压升高等心血管反应 .多年来已探讨了各种方法用于减弱上述反应 ,但利弊互见 .我们通过诱导前预先静脉注射艾司洛
师范毕业后,我被分配到乡下的一所小学任教。当地偏僻的地理位置和落后的经济状况让我“身在曹营心在汉”。在很长一段时间里,浮躁、焦虑、愤懑、厌世的情绪始终包裹着我那颗不安分的心。我整日幻想着早点离开这个“鸟不生蛋”的地方,去大城市施展自己的才华,实现自己的抱负。   当时,我的情绪低落到了极点,看着破烂不堪的教室,觉得自己一天也不能在这样的学校呆下去了。老校长看在眼里急在心里,经常找我拉家常,嘘寒问暖
The linear stability is studied of flows confined between two concentric cylinders, in which the radial temperature gradient and axial gravity are considered fo
We consider the inverse scattering problem for a scalar wave field incident on a perfectly conducting onedimensional rough surface.