
来源 :工程机械与维修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujin68
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西部大开发是中央高瞻远瞩.统揽全局、面向新世纪作出的重大战略决策。 国人无不为之振奋,全世界的目光聚焦中国西部。西部大开发是一个长期、艰巨的系统工程加快基础设施建设是西部开发的重点。这为中国工程机械行业企业提供了难得的发展机遇。全行业的目光也转向神秘的大西部。为了让工程机械行业人士对西部的大开发有一个完整的了解、本刊编辑部通过各种权威渠道组织了一组西部大开发的文章和图片,力求从宏观上使读者对西部大开发有一个全面了解。同时,国家机械工业局和中国工程机械工业协会也作了大量的调研工作,并将于近期召开研讨交流会,为图在具体项目上能为行业提供信息服务。真诚祝愿中国工程机械行业能抓住这一难得的发展机遇,在西部开发中大显身手。 The development of the western region is the vision of the Central Government. Undertake the overall situation, facing the new century to make major strategic decisions. People are all excited, the world’s attention focused on western China. The development of the western region is a long-term and arduous systematic project. Accelerating the construction of infrastructure is the focus of the western development. This provides China Construction Machinery Industry enterprises with rare opportunities for development. The industry’s eyes also turned to the mysterious West. In order to let the construction machinery industry people have a complete understanding of the western development, the editorial department of the magazine organized a series of articles and pictures of the great western development through various authoritative channels, and sought to make the readers have a A comprehensive understanding of. At the same time, the State Administration of Machinery Industry and China Construction Machinery Industry Association also made a lot of research work, and will hold a seminar exchange meeting in the near future, in the specific project for the industry to provide information services. Sincerely hope that China’s construction machinery industry can seize this rare opportunity for development and show its skills in the development of the western region.
肝豆状核变性又称Wilson氏病,是一种常染色体隐性遗传性铜代谢疾病,我院1982年4月~1984年4月共收住6例,现报告如下: 一、临床表现:儿童患者多以肝损害较为突出,神经精神症状
对两种稀土复合热稳定剂在PVC中应用的热稳定性能进行测试和分析,研究结果表明稀土复合效稳定剂的热稳定性能优于目前普遍采用的铅盐或金属皂类混合热稳定剂。 The thermal stab
宁波跨世纪发展的现实基础 改革开放以来,特别是近几年来,宁波凭借自身优势,积极实施“以港兴市、以市促港”发展战略,确立了建设社会主义现代化国际港口城市的发展目标,经济建设