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维甲酸药膜对口腔溃疡和口腔偏平苔癣有较好的疗效,该制剂已收载于浙江省医院制剂规范,但按原处方制成的药膜表面粗糙,脆而易碎,而且该规范尚未建立维甲酸的质量控制,本文就其处方和含量测定方面所作的实验报告如下: Retinoid film on oral ulcers and oral lichen planus have a good effect, the preparation has been contained in the Zhejiang Provincial Hospital preparations norms, but according to the original prescription of the film surface roughness, brittle and fragile, and the specification The quality control of retinoic acid has not been established. The experimental report on the prescription and content of this article is as follows:
本文报道了标题类化合物中十个化合物的~1H和~(31)P NMR的研究结果.其中分别运用了2DJ分解谱以及异核COSY谱等多种技术,解析了它们的~1H和~(31)P图谱,从而证实了合成反应的区
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Objective:To invesligale the hepatoprotective activity of stem of Musa paradisiaca(M.paradisiaca)in CCl_4 and paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity models in rats.
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[Objective] To establish an RP-HPLC method for determination of isofraxidin of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms and to compare the isofraxidin content of different m