
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maerkangggq
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三色堇又名蝴蝶花,为堇菜科多年生草本,株高15cm~20cm左右,很适宜盆栽。它花大而美丽,花期从早春到初秋。喜凉爽通风环境,喜肥沃、疏松、湿润的砂质壤土,高温湿热季节发育不良。三色堇原产欧洲,性喜阳光、略耐荫;盆栽要求用富含腐殖质的土壤。生长期要水分充足,平时保持湿润,冬季要控制浇水。幼苗期可施用稀薄液肥,冬季停施,春季勤施饼肥水。幼苗时摘心,以促分枝、多开花。三色堇枝条柔软,易倒伏,冬季应放在背风向阳处越冬。 Pansy, also known as the butterfly flower, Violaceae perennial herb, plant height 15cm ~ 20cm or so, it is suitable for potted plants. It is large and beautiful flowers, flowering from early spring to early autumn. Hi cool and ventilated environment, hi fertile, loose, moist sandy loam, hot and humid season of poor development. Pansy native Europe, like the sun, a little shade shade; potted soil with humus requirements. Growing period to adequate moisture, usually keep moist, winter to control watering. Seedling can be applied thin liquid fertilizer, stop in winter, spring diligence pie cake water. Topping when seedling, to promote branching, more flowering. Pansy branches soft, easy to lodging, winter should be placed in the leeward sunny place.