毛泽东思想的囘天力 农业学大寨的丰硕果——晉城县大災之年粮食亩产达《纲要》的调查报告

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这个调查报告介绍的是晋城县人民用毛泽东思想统帅抗災斗争,以英雄的大寨贫下中农为榜样,战胜百年不遇的特大雹災,夺得全县粮食平均亩产达《纲要》的先进事迹。这是一篇生动而又有说服力的进行思想和政治路线教育的活教材,值得向全省农村各级干部和广大贫下中农同志们推荐。对待災害同样存在着两种思想、两条路线的斗争:一种是遵照毛主席关于“这个军队具有一往无前的精神,它要压倒一切敌人,而决不被敌人所屈服”的伟大教导,坚定人定胜天的信念,不怕困难,勇于战斗,天塌下来擎得住,泰山压顶不弯腰,象大寨贫下中农那样,发扬自力更生、艰苦奋斗的革命精神去战胜災害,夺取胜利;另一种是在災害面前,缩手缩脚,咳声叹气,屈服于大自然的压力,不是自己动手去克服和战胜困难,而是向上伸手,等别人支援,靠国家救济。两种思想、两条路线必然带来两种不同的结果,前者可以更加激发和锻炼广大群众自力更生、艰苦奋斗的革命精神,更加坚信人定胜天的真理,大災可以化小災,化无災,夺丰收;后者必然造成小災变大災,轻災变重災,滋长靠天、靠国家的依赖思想。晋城县的事实证明,只要广大群众掌握了毛泽东思想,就有了方向,有了干劲,有了办法,就可以人变、地变、产量变,就能夠排山倒??杉?遭災并不可怕,可怕的是思想上遭災颐窍M骷读斓己凸愦笃断轮信?结合当地实际,通过总结经验,进行路线分析,进一步提高执行毛主席革命路线的自觉性,为搞好当前的抗旱斗争,夺取今年农业更大丰收,作好充分的思想准备和物质准备。 This investigation report introduces the advanced deeds of Jincheng County people in using the ideology of Mao Zedong’s commander in the fight against the disaster and following the example of the impoverished middle peasants in Dazhai, heroic Dadu County, defeating the unprecedented hail disaster in a hundred years and winning the “Outline” of the county’s average grain yield per mu. This is a lively and persuasive live teaching material on ideological and political line education. It is worthy of recommendation to the cadres at all levels of the province and the comrades of the poor and middle peasants in the entire province. There are also two kinds of ideological and two-line struggles to deal with disasters. One is to follow the great teachings of Chairman Mao on the principle of “the army has an unprecedented spirit, overpowering all its enemies and never giving in to the enemy.” Faith, not afraid of difficulties, courage in fighting, the days of the sky have survived, Taishan pressure top do not bend, as Dazhai poor middle peasants, self-reliance, hard work and revolutionary spirit to defeat the disaster and win the victory; the other is in the disaster , Shrinking their feet, sighing coughed and succumbing to the pressure of nature, do not go it alone to overcome and overcome difficulties, but rather reach out and wait for support from others and rely on state relief. Two kinds of thinking and two lines will inevitably bring about two different results. The former can further inspire and exercise the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and hard work of the masses, and believe more in the truth of man’s victory in the world. Harvest; the latter will inevitably cause a catastrophe catastrophe disaster, catastrophic disaster disaster, growing by the sky, rely on the country’s dependence on ideas. Facts in Jincheng County have proved that as long as the broad masses have mastered Mao Tse-tung’s thought, they have taken the direction and are motivated and have the means to transform themselves and change their output. Not terrible, terrible is the ideological disaster          愦 愦 愦 愦 愦 Taken together letter of the letter? With local reality, through summing up experience, route analysis to further enhance the implementation of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line of consciousness, to We must do a good job in fighting the current drought and win more bumper harvests in agriculture this year and make adequate preparations for ideology and material preparation.
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