个体船只成倍增长 外地船只大量涌入——苏州市水上交通安全状况不容乐观

来源 :江苏交通运输 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wrothnpc
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据交通部门的最新统计资料表明,目前,苏州市的个体运输船只已占内河航行船舶总量的70%,个体船只的成倍增氏,特别是一批安徽、盐城、阜宁地区的个体船只涌入该市,已给苏州市水上交通安全带来了极大隐患。 笔者从苏州市港监处了解到,在该市发生水上交通事故的船舶中,个体船只占90%左右。这与个体船船民的素质、船只的质量以及安全防范措施有密 According to the latest statistics from the transport sector, at present, individual transport vessels in Suzhou have accounted for 70% of the total number of vessels sailing in the river and individual ships have multiplied, especially a number of individual ships in Anhui, Yancheng and Funing areas Into the city, has brought great risks to the safety of water transport in Suzhou City. The author learned from the Suzhou Municipal Superintendency of Superintendency Department that in the city of water traffic accidents in the ship, individual boats accounted for about 90%. This is related to the qualities of individual boat people, the quality of the vessel and the safety precautions
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[摘 要] 市政给排水工程是城市正常运转、人民生活秩序有条不紊的重要保障,对加强城市建设,美化城市环境有重要意义。在市政给排水工程施工中,影响施工质量管理与控制的因素较多,必须引起市政工程管理部门和施工单位的重视。本文阐述了市政给排水工程存在的弊端,探讨了施工各个阶段质量管理措施。  [关键词] 市政给排水 弊端 质量管理 措施  在我国市政工程和环境治理工程建设中,城市排水管
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