
来源 :田径 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckyxiaoxi
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高校田径教学是我国培养田径优秀人才的重要途径。但是就我国当前各大高校的田径教学而言,其中仍然存在着许多亟待解决的问题。本文就我国高校田径教学现状以及存在其中的问题进行分析,并提出相应的解决对策以供业界人士参考,以期共同促进我国高校田径教学的进步。 Track and Field Teaching in Colleges and Universities Is an Important Way to Cultivate Talented Athletes in China. However, as far as track and field teaching in major universities in our country is concerned, there are still many problems to be solved urgently. This paper analyzes the current situation of track and field teaching in colleges and universities in our country as well as the existing problems, and puts forward corresponding solutions for the reference of the industry, with a view to jointly promote the progress of track and field teaching in colleges and universities.
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太空与深海,是人类长久以来一直梦想征服的秘境。在“嫦娥一号”开启中国人探月之门后,黑暗寒冷的深海洋底,也出现了中国人的身影。会婵娟、探龙宫,世代相传的中国神话变成了现实。“蛟龙”号5000米级载人深潜试验成功,在海洋深处留下的不仅是中国人的踪迹,也是全人类在探寻海洋奥秘道路上迈出的坚实一步。  深海的奥妙在于探索,人类的精神在于追求。1000米、3000米、5000米,“蛟龙”号的每一次下潜,都吸