
来源 :Journal of Shanghai University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ti110
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Multi-walled carbon nanotubes with homogeneous diameters (40-60 nm), produced by chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbon gas, are purified by nitric acids. Infrared and Raman studies indicate that oxygen containing surface groups, which are predominately carboxylic, phenolic and lactonic groups, are introduced into purified carbon nanotubes. Then three kinds of block-form porous tablets of carbon nanotubes are fabricated as electrodes in electrochemical double-layer capacitors. Using mounded mixture comprising carbon nanotubes and binder powders provides these tablets. Comparison of the effect of different processing on the structural performance of the capacitors is specifically investigated. Using chemically treated electrodes, electrochemical double-layer capacitors with a specific capacitance of about 33 F/g are obtained with 38 wt% H_2SO_4 as the electrolyte. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes with homogeneous diameters (40-60 nm), produced by chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbon gas, are purified by nitric acids. Infrared and Raman studies indicate that oxygen containing surface groups, which are predominately carboxylic, phenolic and lactonic groups Comparison of the effect of different Processing on the structural performance of the capacitors is specifically investigated. Using chemically treated electrodes, electrochemical double-layer capacitors with a specific capacitance of about 33 F / g are obtained with 38 wt% H 2 SO 4 as the electrolyte.
元月份,株冶稀贵金属产品电金、电银生产分别比原计划提前4天和2天完成月目标计划,分别完成年计划的23.29%、8.49%;与上年同比分别增长167.21%和9.21%,创效达35万元以上。 年初
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3月22日 多云  不知不觉中,我又长了一岁。爸爸夸奖我更懂事了,妈妈也表扬我本领多了。我真是又高兴又不好意思。  那天深夜,我坐在床边,急切而又担心地等待日夜为家奔波的爸爸。十一点半,爸爸终于拖着疲惫的身心回家了。我马上给爸爸倒水,又在微波炉里热饭,看见爸爸吃得满头是汗,我又去黑乎乎的洗手间拿毛巾,这在以前我是从来不敢去的。爸爸高兴地说:“女儿长大了,更懂事了,胆子也大了。”听了爸爸的表扬,我心