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珠海市民政局下属企事业单位有十多个,干部、职工、临散工近千人。十九年来基本上没有越级上访的情况出现。究其原因,正如群众所说:“有了干部的下访就没有我们的上访。”事实证明,解决群众上访问题,不能靠行政命令,也不能靠一般的思想工作,珠海市民政局的经验就是“一有二勤三落实”。一有。就有对群众要有深厚的感情,特别是对生产、生活、住房、有困难的职工和残疾人,更要念念于怀。有了这份情,对群众才能忧这份心。正因为如此,珠海市民政局领导每当逢年过节,首先调查好困难群众,及时把救济的款物送到他们手中。灾情来了,首先安置好灾民。非此即彼,倘若心里不是装着困难群众,必然就是去“傍大款”。有个镇的武装部长,同时接到一张通知和一张请柬,《通知》要他某日参加烈士追悼会,请柬要他去赴有钱人办的酒宴,这二件事又在同一个时间,这部长居然置烈士追悼会于不顾而欣然赴宴去了。试想,像他这种人与群众感情有多深?既然对群众没有感情,又怎能为群众排忧解难呢? Zhuhai Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau affiliated enterprises and institutions have more than 10 cadres, workers, casual workers nearly a thousand people. In the last nineteen years basically no petty petitions have emerged. The reason for this is that, as the masses said, “there is no petition for petitions with a cadre’s petition.” Facts have proved that the resolution of the petitions by the masses can not rely on administrative orders or on general ideological work. The experience of Zhuhai Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau Is “one to two to work three.” There are a. There must be deep feelings for the masses, especially for production, living, housing, employees with disabilities and people with disabilities. With this love, we can care for the heart of the people. Because of this, Zhuhai Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau leaders whenever the holidays, the first survey of people in difficulty, timely relief money sent to them. The disaster came, first placed the victims. Otherwise, if the heart is not filled with the difficulties of the masses, it is bound to go, “Pong money.” A town armed minister, at the same time received a notice and an invitation, “notice” to one day to participate in martyrs memorial service, invitations to go to his rich man to do the banquet, these two things in the same Time, the Minister actually set the memorial service in disregard of the martyrs to go to dinner happily. Imagine, how deep is the relationship between him and the masses like him? Since there is no feeling for the masses, how can we solve problems for the masses?
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