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肿瘤是多基因变异累积的结果,通常表现为原癌基因的激活和/或抑瘤基因的失活,肿瘤中的异常基因常达到10~3~10~5,分析肿瘤基因表达常需对成千上万的碱基测序和数以百计的基因相互关系进行分析。已有的分子生物学技术一般一次仅分析一个或几个基因,显然不能胜任。因此,一种高通量、高效率和高自动化的新型基因分析技术即基因芯片应运而生。它的基因测序速度比传统Sanger和MaxamGilbert法快1000倍,还能同时对成百上千甚至上万的基因序列或组织进行分析。一经问世,立即被应用于临床医学,肿瘤基因分析应用最多。1 基因芯片简介 所谓基因芯片,最初是指将特定的DNA或寡聚核苷酸片段通过物理化学方法固定于玻璃、尼龙甚 Tumors are the result of accumulation of multiple gene mutations, usually manifested as the activation of oncogenes and / or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. The abnormal genes in tumors often reach 10 ~ 3 ~ 10 ~ 5. Analysis of tumor gene expression often requires Thousands of base-sequenced and hundreds of genes were analyzed for correlation. Existing molecular biology techniques generally analyze only one or a few genes at a time, apparently not competent. Therefore, a new high-throughput, high-efficiency and highly automated gene analysis technology that is gene chip came into being. Its gene sequencing is 1000 times faster than the traditional Sanger and MaxamGilbert methods, enabling the analysis of hundreds or even thousands of gene sequences or tissues simultaneously. Once published, immediately applied to clinical medicine, cancer gene analysis applications up. 1 gene chip profile The so-called gene chip, originally refers to the specific DNA or oligonucleotide fragments by physical and chemical methods fixed in the glass, nylon
The Reynolds stress transport model and the Eulerian two-fluid model provided by the FLUENT code were applied to evaluate the gas-particle two-phase flow in the
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澎关Effeetive from APril lst of 1996Tariff Rates of Automotive Product (selected) Pengguan Effeetive from APril lst of 1996Tariff Rates of Automotive Product (
通过对国产08Al钢板试样进行预拉伸成形试验,并研究试件应变分布及对制件抗凹陷刚性的影响,从而为采用张力拉伸成形法成形以提高汽车覆盖件产品质量提供了有关技术依据。 Through