
来源 :中国花鸟画 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nishi1221
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中国花鸟画创作基地揭牌仪式暨“空谷幽鸣”水墨画展开幕式于2006年9月23日在浙江绍兴市蓬莱水驿艺术会所举行。浙江省文联书记处书记蒋建东、绍兴市政协副主席陆景林先生为“中国花鸟画绍兴创作基地”揭牌。著名画家、《中国花鸟画》杂志编委何水法,绍兴市美协主席楼国明为水墨画展开幕式发表了热情洋溢的讲话。出席开幕仪式的还有《中国花鸟画》杂志社社长王云华,浙江省美协秘书长马锋辉,中国美术学院教授、《中国花鸟画》杂志编委章利国、毛建波,中国美术学院博士白砥、何士扬,《美术报》编辑兼著 The Opening Ceremony of China Flower and Bird Painting Base Opening Ceremony was held on September 23, 2006 in Penglai Water Station Art Club, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. Mr. Jiang Jindong, secretary of Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Mr. Lu Jinglin, vice chairman of CPPCC of Shaoxing, unveiled “Creation Base of Shaoxing, China’s Flower and Bird Painting”. Renowned painter, He Shuofang, editorial board member of “China Flower and Bird Painting” magazine and Lou Guoming, chairman of Shaoxing Institute of Fine Arts, delivered a warm speech for the opening ceremony of the ink painting exhibition. Also present at the opening ceremony were Wang Yunhua, president of China Flower & Bird Painting magazine, Ma Fenghui, secretary general of Zhejiang Association of Artists, professor of China Academy of Art, editor in chief of China Flowers and Birds Magazine, Zhang Liguo and Mao Jianbo, doctor of China Academy of Art, , “Art newspaper” editor with
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西方艺术界公认最具眼光和品位的古董商、收藏家之一的安思远,2014年8月3日在纽约辞世,享年85岁。  安思远没有爱人和子女。但他不像其他收藏大家那样,将自己梦牵萦绕的“宠物”捐给某个机构作为永久归宿,而是选择“散落四方”。2015年3月,在纽约洛克菲勒中心举行了“锦瑟年华——安思远私人珍藏”拍卖,安思远的藏品七日散尽。据媒体报道,前往纽约“参加竞拍的十有八九都是中国人”,“其中有40%为华人新面
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