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闲置越冬的各种喷雾机具应妥善存放,才能延长使用寿命。一、存放前的各种喷雾机具,如药桶、风机、输液管等,须先用热肥皂水或碱溶液清洗后,用清水洗净各管部件上的药液、油污和灰尘。药液桶、胶带、喷雾杆等的外表,应擦拭干净,并晾干。在各接头部位涂上黄油,放置在干燥通风处。二、机动喷雾机存放前,应将油箱和汽化器内的汽油、曲轴箱内的机油放净,拆下火花塞,并注少量机油入气缸内,转动发动机,使气缸活塞润滑。三、电动喷雾器存放前,应全面细致地检查维修,待试运转正常后,再带上护帽,取出电池,存放在不易受撞击和其它外力作用的地方,以使电机保持平衡状态。四、手动喷雾器存放前,应卸下气简,将皮碗放入少许动物油内浸润,然后用纸包好存放在通风干燥处。五、橡胶制品、塑料件不可放 All kinds of idle idle winter spray equipment should be kept in order to extend the service life. First, before storing a variety of spray equipment, such as medicine barrels, fans, infusion tubes, etc., must first wash with hot soapy water or alkali solution, wash the liquid medicine, oil and dust on the pipe parts with water. Liquid barrels, tape, spray bar and other appearance, should be wiped clean and dry. Apply butter to each joint and place in a dry, well-ventilated place. Second, the motorized sprayer storage, the fuel tank and carburetor should be, the crankcase oil drain, remove the spark plug, and note a small amount of oil into the cylinder, turn the engine, the cylinder piston lubrication. Third, the electric sprayer storage, should be comprehensive and detailed inspection and maintenance, to be tested and functioning properly, then bring a protective cap, remove the battery, stored in a place less susceptible to impact and other external forces in order to maintain a balanced electrical state. Four, manual sprayer storage, should be removed gas Jane, the cup into a little animal oil infiltration, and then wrapped with paper stored in ventilated and dry place. Fifth, rubber products, plastic parts can not be put
楼梯踏步面层做好以后,由于磕碰,阳角极易破坏。我们在多项工程施工中,对此部分进行了加固处理,处理结果表明,效果良好。具体做法有以下三种。 After the stair treads are
人脑原来和电脑一样,也是一个巨大的信息储存器。人脑的秘密一多半在潜意识中。思维顿悟,在于潜意识的发现,即 能“听”懂它,理解它,提示它,指令它,人们就将在许多领域创造奇