
来源 :生物学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qpowapian
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教师要根据学生心理特点用课堂心理规律精心设计课堂教字,遵循规律,循序渐进,使课堂教学在传授知识和培养能力两个方面都达到最佳程度。现提出运用以下几种心理学规律进行教学的方法。 一、明确目标 激发兴趣 中学生物学教材言简意赅,教师在深入钻研教材大纲的基础上,在教学中应当向学生指明要识记的具体知识目标。对教学的重点应提出要长期记住的要求,充分发挥有意注意的作用,提高记忆效果。要培养学生学会掌握重点、分清主次、选择适于知识目标的学习方法。如在课本中把重点内容划线、作特记号、注释说明等等。这有利于在复习中巩固基础识记的同时抓 Teachers should carefully design classroom teaching based on the psychological characteristics of the students according to the psychological characteristics of the students, follow the rules, and gradually, so that the classroom teaching can reach the best degree in both imparting knowledge and cultivating ability. Now we propose to use the following methods of psychology to teach. First, a clear goal to stimulate interest High school biology textbooks concise, teachers in depth study of the outline of teaching materials, teaching students should be specified in the teaching of the specific knowledge goals. The emphasis on teaching should put forward requirements that should be remembered in the long term, give full play to the effect of intentional attention, and improve the memory effect. To train students to learn to grasp the key points, distinguish the primary and secondary times, and select learning methods suitable for the knowledge goal. For example, highlight the contents in the textbook, make special marks, notes, etc. This helps to consolidate the basic memorization while reviewing
目的 通过2种止血法在前列腺摘除中的应用比较,以其寻求更为安全、可靠的止血方法。方法 自1997年9月-2000年4月间实行耻骨上经膀胱前列腺摘除术40例,分别采用膀胱后唇5-7点
目的 :探讨前列腺增生症理想的术式。方法 :采用保留尿道前列腺切除术 2 4例 ,其中 19例madigan术 ,5例madigan加膀胱切开术。结果 :保留尿道前列腺切除术 ,术中及术后出血少
乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物是乙烯共聚物中最重要的产品,主要从产品性能、用途、生产工艺技术和市场供需等方面进行综述。 Ethylene - vinyl acetate copolymer is the most impor
我们于1997-1999年采用CO2激光、包皮环切手术治疗包皮过长合并尖锐湿疣42例,对其治疗效果、方法选择、注意事项等进行了比较分析及探讨,现报告如下。1t资料和方法1.1t一般资料 42例尖锐湿疣(Condyloma acuminata,CA)患者,
采集真菌标本用于教学、科研。然而有的生物教师苦于无处搁置。那么如何制作这类标本盒呢? Collect fungal specimens for teaching and scientific research. However, so
本文通过列举范例;阐明如何选择特殊点的坐标作为参数来解答二次曲线中有关弦的中点、对称、垂直等问题,另辟求解题的简捷方法,即“点参数法”. In this paper, by enumerat
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