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前年春天,三队社员刘敬礼得了胆道蛔虫病,需喝乌梅汤。我翻开书本一看,乌梅汤中的十味中药,如乌梅、黄连、党参、当归、细辛、桂枝等,都是产于外地,蒙山上一味也没有。怎么办?病人疼得吃不下饭、睡不好觉,我也急得吃不下饭、睡不好觉。我想:咱蒙山这么高,这么大,中草药这么多,难道就没有治胆道蛔虫的药?书上说:蛔虫的特点是喜温而恶寒,遇寒则上,遇孔则钻。如果胃肠受寒,肠子里的蛔虫就往上行,遇到胆道这个孔,就往里钻,这就形成了胆道蛔虫病。蛔虫一钻,胆道就缩紧,越紧蛔虫越钻,这就使病人右 In the spring of last year, Liu Jingli, a member of the three team members, had biliary tsutsugamushi disease and needed to drink ebony soup. When I opened the book, the ten herbal medicines in Wumei Tang, such as Wumei, Coptis, Codonopsis, Angelica, Asarum, and Guizhi, were all produced in other places, and they were not even on Mengshan. What should I do? The patient can’t eat enough food and sleep well, and I can’t get enough food and sleep well. I think: Yimeng Mountain is so high, so big, so many Chinese herbal medicines, is there no medicine for treating biliary tract locusts? The book says: The locusts are characterized by thermophilic and aversion to cold, in the case of cold, they are drilled in case of holes. If the gastrointestinal chills, the larvae in the intestines go upwards, encounter the hole in the biliary tract, and drill inward, which results in biliary ascariasis. When a locust drills, the biliary tract tightens, and the closer the worm drills, the more the patient becomes right.
为寻找植物性口服避孕药,作者对粗糙白绒草(Leucas aspera)的全草、薄荷(Mentha arvensis)全草、撒尔维亚(洋苏叶,Salvia officalis)的种子、蓖麻(RicinusCommunis)种子、凝
近年来,在细菌性痢疾的防治工作实践中,耐药现象的发生日益严重,这给痢疾的防治工作带来很大困难。因此,寻求理想有效的抗痢药物,已是痢疾防治工作中的一个重要课 In recen
红花,别称红兰花、黄兰,俗称红花尾子,学名Carthamus tinctorius L,属菊科植物,遍产全国。明代李时珍本草纲目中记载:红花“主治胎死腹中,多用破留血,少用养血、活血、止痛