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  Depending on an individual’s[个人] perspective[观点], some sports outside professional leagues[联盟] can be classified as weird. North Americans aren’t too fond of cricket[板球] and some South Americans haven’t even heard of hockey.
  The following sports go beyond the boundaries[边界] of unusual sports when it comes to rules and equipment.
   The Ultimate[最终的] Test: Man vs. Horse人马对阵的终极测试
  In Wales, there’s a famous race called the Man Versus Horse Marathon. A cross country[越野赛] course[路线] is laid out, and human competitors pit their stamina[耐力] against that of a posse[一队] of chosen horses. The course is 22 miles long with many natural obstacles[障碍物] to overcome. The ultimate aim is to run the course and beat the first horse. This was recently done for the first time by a man who had been training especially for the event. He won a large cash prize—a prize that’s been getting bigger every year.
   Where Love Is the Key to Success爱是获胜的关键
  First introduced in Finland, wife carrying is an actual sport where male competitors race while carrying a female teammate. The objective[目标] is for the male to carry the female through a special obstacle course in the fastest time.
  Talk about tough love.
   Going for a Different Kind of Swim与众不同的游泳比赛
  Even though it does seem kind of gross[令人恶心的], bog[沼泽] snorkeling[潜泳] is a sporting event where competitors swim in a water-filled trench[沟渠] cut through a peat bog[泥炭沼]. Competitors must wear snorkels[通气管] and flippers[脚蹼] and can only complete the course by swimming with their flippers and not using traditional swimming techniques.
  The World Bog Snorkelling Championships take place every August in a dense[稠密的] peat bog near Llanwrtyd Wells, in Wales.
   Putting Your Toe to Good Use好好利用你的脚趾
  A popular activity for children, toe wrestling is now a competitive sport. The World Toe Wrestling Competition first started at a pub in Derbyshire, UK in 1976. Locals thought it would be a great idea to hold a competition where individuals lock toes together and force their opponent’s[对手] foot to the ground. The organizers applied in 1997 to get the sport included in the Olympics, but unfortunately, it was not accepted.   脚趾摔跤这种很受儿童欢迎的游戏,现在已经成为一种竞技运动。1976年,世界脚趾摔跤比赛诞生于英国德比郡的一间酒吧内。当地人觉得“举办脚趾摔跤比赛,让参赛者的脚趾对掰,把对方的脚扳倒在地”这个主意很不错。1997年,脚趾摔跤比赛的主办方提出申请,想让这项运动成为奥运项目,可惜未被接受。
   Taking Underwater Sports to the Next Level水下运动新境界
  Octopush[水中曲棍球] (also known as underwater hockey) is a non-contact sport where two teams compete to maneuver[移动] a puck[冰球] across the bottom of a swimming pool and into “goals.”Just like hockey but underwater, the game has actually become popular in countries like the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
   Ironing Shirts the Hard Way高难度熨烫衬衫
  Extreme ironing was invented in 1997 by Phil Shaw. The sport basically involves doing the most boring chore[家务杂事] in the world—ironing—in a remote[偏僻] or dangerous location. Those who participate in extreme ironing are called ironists and spend their free time lugging[拖,拉] their ironing boards and irons around the world, whilst their loving partner carries a camera (and hopefully a first aid kit[工具箱]) in an attempt[企图] to capture their ironing stunt[绝技]. Some of the best ironists have been snapped[拍照] pressing their clothes up a mountain, in a waterfall, on top of a cow and strapped[用带缚住] to the back of a New York City yellow cab.
   Combining[结合] Brains and Brawn手脑并用
  If you’re looking for a sport that combines using your strength as well as intelligence, then chess boxing is for you. The sport is a combination of boxing and chess with the different games alternating[交替,轮流] after each round. A match between two individuals lasts up to 11 rounds, starting with a four minute chess round and followed by two minutes of boxing.
  The sport is governed by the World Chess Boxing Organization whose motto is: “Fighting is done in the ring[拳击场] and wars are waged[进行] on the board.”
   Finding out Who’s Faster: You Or Cheese比比你和奶酪谁更快
  Cheese rolling is probably one of the simplest sports out there. From the top of a hill, a round of Double Gloucester cheese is rolled and competitors chase after it. The first individual across the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins (the cheese of course).
  Competitors aim to catch the rolling cheese but this rarely happens, since it has a one second head start and can reach speeds up to 112 km/hr. In 1997, the cheese took a wrong turn down the hill and accidentally injured a spectator[观众].
   Surfing with Your Dog和狗狗一起冲浪
  Owners surf while dogs get a free ride. Originated in San Diego, dog surfing is often more of a leisure[闲暇]/ bonding[形成亲密关系] activity between dog and owner, but competitions are not uncommon in California.
I used to have a comfort zone  where I knew I couldn’t fail,  The same four walls of busy work  were really more like a jail[监狱]  I longed[渴望] so much to do the things  I’d never done before,  But I s
How Sound! Euphonium Totally Nails Being a Band Geek  When I first found out about Sound! Euphonium, I was thrilled. I’d enjoyed what I’d seen of KyoAni注1 shows, and now here was one that seemed tailo
Remember the Titans (2000) 光辉岁月(2000年)  One word: Teamwork. New head coach Herman Boone (Denzel Washington) leads a racially[就种族而言] diverse[多种多样的] football team to victory, teaching his black and whit
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Father:  It’s not time to make a change  Just relax, take it easy You’re still young, that’s your fault There’s so much you have to know  *Find a girl, settle down  If you want, you can marry Look at
My computer thinks I’m gay  I threw that piece of junk[垃圾] away On the Champs-élysées[香榭丽舍大道]  As I was walking home  This is my last communiqué[(法语)公告]  Down the super highway All that I have left to
The works of Makoto Shinkai have had a real impact on my own creative life over the years. The beauty he depicts[描绘] in the ordinary, and the emotions he is capable of stirring[激发] through his visuals
I don’t know why this bothers me so much, being called“ma’am注.” I am, after all, 30, pregnant[怀孕] and happen to have some laugh lines that could be construed[理解] as wrinkles[皱纹].  It happened recently
Dear Mr. Blake,  You were the first teacher who seriously engaged my attention. In part because collectively[一致地], we nine-year-old boys in your class speculated[猜想] that you were in a mysterious war.
My whole career exists outside my comfort zone. I realize that most teens are self conscious[自我意识] to a point that they generally don’t want to attract attention to themselves. I was painfully self co