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意大利黑麦草是我站1974年引种、选育、栽培进而推广的一个高产优质的一年生禾本科牧草。该草种喜温、喜湿。在江西9~10月播种,平均株高100厘米左右,种子于6月上中旬成熟。全生育期220~260天。该草有以下优良农艺特性:1、适应性广,抗逆性强,耐寒、耐酸、抗病虫害。2、产草量高,该品种分菜力强,再生性能好,年可刈割3~5次,亩产鲜草0.5~1.38万公斤。3、草质好,其茎叶柔嫩多汁,适口性很好。据我站化验,粗蛋白质含量为8~17%。从1979年起,该草种推广到全国各地,各场、专业户、农户用以养牛,鱼、猪、羊、免及禽等,均取得显著经济效益。说明意大利黑麦草是一种大有推广前途的草种。 Italian ryegrass is a high yielding and annual gramineous pasture introduced, bred, cultivated and popularized in 1974 in our station. The grass hi temperature, hi wet. Seeds were planted in Jiangxi Province from September to October with an average height of about 100 centimeters and the seeds mature in the middle of June. The whole growth period of 220 to 260 days. The grass has the following excellent agronomic characteristics: 1, wide adaptability, strong resistance, cold, acid, pests and diseases. 2, high yield, the variety of vegetables and strong performance, good reproducibility, the annual mowing 3 to 5 times, 0.5 to 13,800 kg per mu fresh grass. 3, good grass quality, succulent stems and leaves, palatability is very good. According to my station test crude protein content of 8 to 17%. Since 1979, the grass species have been extended to all parts of the country. All fields, specialized households and farmer households have achieved significant economic benefits by raising cattle, fish, pigs, sheep, poultry and birds. Description Italian ryegrass is a promising grass species.
The self-mixing fringes which shift due to every one-twentieth wavelength displacement of the target are observed.Taking advantage of the dual reflectors in the
Based on the difference between the Fermi distributions at zero temperature and at the finite temperature, we introduce the temperature-dependent three-body for
Hybrid ZnO/ormosils films are prepared by the sol-gelmethod. A FT-IR spectrometer, 900 UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer, atomic force microscope, and ellipsometer a
提高物理教学质量,优化课堂教学是关键。优化课堂教学,主要是优化教学结构、优化教学过程和优化教学方法。  一、优化教学结构  教学结构主要是包括知识结构、时间结构、讲练结构。知识结构中,教学目标要符合课程标准要求,符合学生实际,要有基础知识、能力培养和思想教育,并配有针对性强的达标训练题。能用各种课型合理安排师生活动,如讲解、训练、演示、讨论、实验等。要科学分配时间,合理使用每—分钟。教学关键的内容
长期以来,物理教学重知识传授,轻学生自主性学习;重知识习题,轻动手能力的培养;重教学结果,轻过程与方法及情感、态度、价值观的培养。这些都不利于激发学生的兴趣,不利于创新能力的培养,不利于探究能力的提高,不利于发挥学生的主体作用。从实施课改以来,物理教学有了很大的改变,笔者在新课改的指导下,充分利用身边器材进行教学,就地取材,展示物理无限的精彩,取得了较好的教学效果。  一、“小材”大用,激发学生学