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本文介绍了江苏省启东县乡镇企业引入国有企业科学管理的有效形式,即:联合式引进、同行式引进、交叉式引进、专项式引进。文章认为,乡镇企业引入国有企业的科学管理,有利于弥补乡镇企业职工素质低的不足,是乡镇企业在短时期内提高管理水平的一条捷径;有利于提高乡镇企业的竞争能力和整体抗衡能力;有利于启发大家从完善乡镇企业的管理体制着手,来改变目前政企不分,多头管理,行政干预过多的状况。文章还就乡镇企业引入国有企业科学管理办法提出了应注意的问题。 This paper introduces the effective forms of the scientific management of state-owned enterprises introduced by township enterprises in Qidong County, Jiangsu Province, namely: joint introduction, peer-to-peer import, cross-introduction, and special-purpose introduction. The article believes that the introduction of the scientific management of state-owned enterprises by township and village enterprises is conducive to making up for the lack of quality of the employees of township and township enterprises. It is a short-cut for township and village enterprises to improve management levels in a short period of time; it will help improve the competitiveness of township and village enterprises and the overall counter-balance ability; It is helpful to inspire people to start from the improvement of the management system of township and village enterprises, to change the current situation in which the government and the enterprise are not separated, the management is long, and the administrative intervention is excessive. The article also raised issues that should be noted in the introduction of the scientific management methods for state-owned enterprises by township and village enterprises.
1、老时光里的三人行  我曾经遇到一个男孩,他叫丘卡。丘卡在嘲笑声中长到了十六岁。  他是个跛子。当然不很严重,他的右腿有轻微的变形,走路时像走在凹凸不平的地面上,有着隐隐高低起伏的动态。  似乎一整年下来,我看过他的背影比正面多。他的身躯佝偻着,却透着倔强,或许因为一早就知道身后背负着各种好奇的目光,不回头,就可以看不见。  放学后,我和牧野远远地跟在丘卡的后面,并非我们走得比他还要慢,而是我非
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应用地理知识,结合本地实际,分析、解决问题。 Applying geographical knowledge, combined with local reality, analyze and solve problems.
上个世纪80年代初期,人们的经济虽不宽裕,但完全不影响人们装扮新年的心情。一条条裁好的红纸铺开,泼墨挥毫,一挥而就的对联,张贴在门上,左看右瞧,喜气,还是喜气!一页页镂空的喜纸,上面的“福禄寿喜财”配着各种动物的图案,张贴在门楣上,微风一吹,吉祥,还是吉祥!  儿时家贫,我拜村里一位刻喜纸的老人为师,一是自己爱好刻喜纸,二是想为家里挣点过年的小钱和春季的学费。师傅见我学刻喜纸很开窍,大概怕我抢了他
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