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北京奥运会在筹办过程中提出了“绿色奥运”、“科技奥运”和“人文奥运”的理念。5月8日,北京奥运圣火成功登上了世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰,举世瞩目。就此,记者采访了科技部部长万钢,请他谈谈科技奥运的进展情况。奥运圣火成功登顶,是科技与奥运的完美结合记者:万部长,当看到奥运圣火成功登顶时,您有何感想?万钢:5月8日上午9点17分,奥运火炬成功登上了海拔8844.43米的珠穆朗玛峰,实现了让奥运圣火登上世界之巅的庄严承诺。这是中国对世界奥林匹 During the preparation of the Beijing Olympic Games, the concept of “Green Olympics”, “Science and Technology Olympics” and “Humanistic Olympics” have been put forward. On May 8, the Beijing Olympic torch successfully climbed Mount Qomolangma, the highest peak in the world, and attracted worldwide attention. In this connection, the reporter interviewed Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, and asked him to talk about the progress of the science and technology Olympics. Olympic flame success summit, is the perfect combination of science and technology and the Olympics Reporter: Wan Minister, when you see the Olympic flame successfully summit, what do you think? Wan Gang: 9:17 on May 8, the Olympic Games torch successfully board Everest at an elevation of 8,844.43 meters fulfilled the solemn promise of bringing the Olympic flame to the top of the world. This is China’s Olympics to the world
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Using a 23-year database consisting of sea level pressure, surface air temperature and sea surface temperature, the authors studied southern high latitude clima
在路上是一种宿命。为了活着,人们在路上。为了梦想,人们在路上。从南走到北,从白走到黑,轮回着。欢迎来稿:xuetaophoto@163.com请注明“定格”字样。 On the road is a fat
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