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目的了解农村初中学生吸烟情况及对控烟知识的知晓状况,探讨对农村初中生进行控烟干预的有效措施。方法通过多级抽样方法,在控烟干预前、后采用问卷调查法对陕县一中全部在校学生的相关知识、态度及行为进行调查;干预措施包括学校领导在全体师生会上宣布创建无烟学校活动、教师率先戒烟、开展讲座、同伴教育和“远离烟草珍爱生命”为主题的签字活动等。结果基线调查1645人,尝试吸烟率为30.46%(501/1645),男生尝试吸烟率(58.50%)高于女生(3.12%)(P<0.01)。干预后,学生控烟知识平均得分由干预前的5.13分提高到9.76分,差异有统计学意义;对烟草与健康相关知识的知晓率干预后均显著高于干预前(P值均<0.01);预防吸烟的态度和行为除吸烟对异性有吸引力、朋友递烟坚决不吸并劝朋友不吸2项外,其他5项干预后正向回答率均显著高于干预前(P值均<0.01);3项预防吸烟的环境支持率干预后均显著高于干预前(P值均<0.01)。结论无烟学校创建活动是对初中学生进行控烟干预的有效途径和方法,可以帮助初中学生提高抵制烟草的能力,树立正向态度。 Objective To understand the smoking status of junior middle school students in rural areas and their knowledge of tobacco control and to discuss the effective measures to control smoking among junior high school students in rural areas. Methods The questionnaires were used to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of all school-aged students in Shanxian I before and after tobacco control intervention by multistage sampling method. The interventions included the announcement by school leaders at all teacher-student meetings Smoke school activities, teachers take the lead in quitting smoking, carry out lectures, peer education and “away from tobacco cherish life ” as the theme of the signing activities. Results A total of 1645 people were surveyed at baseline. The smoking prevalence rate was 30.46% (501/1645). The prevalence of smoking among boys (58.50%) was higher than that of girls (3.12%) (P <0.01). After intervention, the average score of knowledge on tobacco control increased from 5.13 to 9.76 before intervention, the difference was statistically significant. The awareness of tobacco and health related knowledge was significantly higher after intervention than before intervention (P <0.01). Preventive attitude to smoking and behavior smoking in addition to attractiveness to the opposite sex, friends do not smoke smoking strongly persuaded friends and advised non-smoking two, the other five intervention positive response rate was significantly higher than before intervention (P <0.01 ). The environmental support rates of three smoking prevention interventions were significantly higher than those before intervention (P <0.01). Conclusion The creation of a smoke-free school is an effective way and method for tobacco control intervention among junior high school students. It can help junior high school students to improve their ability to resist tobacco and establish a positive attitude.
文 吴会山(辽宁)   1950年,美国发动侵略朝鲜的战争,不仅把战火烧到中朝边界鸭绿江,还经常派飞机侵入我国领空,并空投特务进行破坏活动。   1952年,我在长白山林区靖宇木精工厂保卫科工作。那年中秋节与国庆节连在一起,10月3日中秋节那天我在厂部值宿。晚上10点,我们在厂内巡逻,忽然空中传来飞机的轰鸣声,顺着声音方向看去,在皎洁月光下,只见东南山里方向天空中有一架飞机低空盘旋,机舱亮出灯光,
主任 :查显才副主任 :张延秋杨永珍顾宝根主编 :顾宝根执行主编 :张百臻副主编 :张文君林艳责任编辑 :赵月荣编委 :(按姓名笔划排列)马韵升方东白毛景英王奇王以燕王德翠叶敏叶