,Orientation-enhanced nonlinear optical properties and phase-conjugate reflective system of a novel

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexhome
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This paper reports that the nonlinear refractive index of a novel organic optical storage film doped azodiphenylamine polymer is measured by using the Z-scan technique. The nonlinear refractive index up to 3.7 ×10-6 cm2/W induced by thermo-optical effect is obtained. It indicates that the sample has excellent optical nonlinear properties. The physical mechanism of the great nonlinear optical effect is analysed and the optical conjugate characteristic is also discussed with degenerate four-wave-mixing. The phase conjugate wave diffracted from the formative refractive index grating in the sample is acquired and its equivalent reflectivity reaches about 22%. On this basis,the reflective wave phase-conjugated mirror system was designed, and the image aberration experienced in propagation in the storage experiment is corrected by using the system.
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还没到上课时间,孔老师就来到教室,把挂在教室四周的气球取了下来。这一长串颜色各异、大小不一的气球,你挨着我,我挨着你,错落有致,漂亮极了。为什么要取下来呢?我脑海中浮现出一个大大的问号。  上课铃声响了,孔老师把我们集合到教学楼一楼空旷的大厅里,手里紧握着那串气球,高声说:“同学们,咱们今天来玩个游戏吧……”还没等老师说是什么游戏,我们就化身一群小麻雀,兴奋得叽叽喳喳議论个不停。孔老师大声清了清嗓
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