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使用脱粒机之前,首先要仔纽阅读一下使用说明书,了解掌握机器的构造和工作原理,使用调整和故障排除方法。然后检查所有紧固螺钉是否有松动现象,按照操作规程,装好动力机进行空运转,一切正常后才能进行作业,视实际情况再行调整。用户总想一次脱得净,脱得快,破碎少,能耗低等。实际上,这几个指标是相互制约的,如要想脱净率高,则破碎率将上升,生产效率也随之下降,能耗也将增加。因此,要综合全面考虑,不可顾此失彼。应该注意到脱粒机在工作中受到作物的种类、品种、成熟度及含水率的直接影响,故脱粒质量和损失率将会有明显变化。如籼稻易脱,粳稻难脱;豆类易脱又 Before using the thresher, you should first read the instruction manual carefully to understand how the machine is constructed and working, and how to use the adjustment and troubleshooting methods. Then check all the fastening screws are loose, in accordance with the operating procedures, installed power machine for air operations, everything is normal before they can operate, depending on the actual situation and then adjust. Users always want to take off once the net, off faster, less broken, low energy consumption. In fact, these indicators are mutually restrictive. If the removal rate is to be high, the rate of fragmentation will increase, the productivity will decrease and the energy consumption will also increase. Therefore, comprehensive and comprehensive consideration can not be ignored. It should be noted that the threshing machine is directly affected by the type, variety, maturity and moisture content of the crop during the work, so the quality and loss rate of the threshing will be significantly changed. Such as indica rice easy off, japonica rice hard off; legumes and easy
The moisture transport in cracked cement-based materials was investigated with priority by numerical simulation.The cracked cement-basis material was treated as
为了应急,可采取下述方法利用废旧油环,以减少发动机油耗量:先将两副旧油环的径向衬环装入环槽,然后在径向衬环外面套上镀铬刮片环及轴向衬 In case of emergency, the foll