The Interrelationship of Micro-Meso and Macroscopic Structures on the Western Limb of the Hazara Kas

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sysylh
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Detailed micro-meso to macroscopic structural analyses reveal two deformation phases in the western limb of the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis(HKS). Bulk top to NW shearing transformed initially symmetrical NNE-SSW trending meso to macroscopic folds from asymmetric to overturned ones without changing their trend. Sigmoidal en-echelon tension gashes developed during this deformation,that were oblique to bedding parallel worm burrows and bedding planes themselves. Strain analyses of deformed elliptical ooids using the R_f/φ method constrain the internal strain patterns of the NNE-SSW structures. The principal stretching axis(S_3) defined by deformed elliptical ooids is oriented N27°E at right angles to WNW-ESE shortening. The deformed elliptical ooids in sub-vertical bedding vertical planes contain ooids that plunge ~70° SE due to NW-directed tectonic transport. Finite strain ratios are1.45(R_(xy)) parallel to bedding plane and 1.46(R_(yz)) for the vertical plane. From these 2D strain values, we derive an oblate strain ellipsoidal in 3D using the Flinn and Hsu/Nadai techniques. Strains calculated from deformed elliptical ooids average-18.10% parallel to bedding and-18.47% in the vertical plane.However, a balanced cross-section through the study area indicates a minimum of~-28% shortening.Consequently, regional shortening was only partially accommodated by internal deformation. Detailed micro-meso to macroscopic structural analyzes reveal two deformation phases in the western limb of the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis (HKS). Bulk top to NW shearing transformed initially symmetrical NNE-SSW trending meso to macroscopic folds from asymmetric to overturned ones without changing their trend. Sigmoidal en-echelon tension gashes developed during this deformation, that were oblique to bedding parallel worm burrows and bedding planes themselves. Strain analyzes of deformed elliptical ooids using the R_f / φ method constrain the internal strain patterns of the NNE-SSW structures. The principal stretching axis (S_3) defined by deformed elliptical ooids is oriented N27 ° E at right angles to WNW-ESE shortening. The deformed elliptical ooids in sub-vertical bedding vertical planes contain ooids that plunge ~ 70 ° SE due to NW-directed tectonic transport. Finite strain ratios are 1.45 (R xy) parallel to bedding plane and 1.46 (R yz) for the vertical plane. From these 2D strain values , we derive an oblate strain ellipsoidal in 3D using the Flinn and Hsu / Nadai techniques. Strains calculated from deformed elliptical ooids average-18.10% parallel to bedding and-18.47% in the vertical plane. Yet, a balanced cross-section through the study area indicates a minimum of ~ -28% shortening. Conclusion, regional shortening was only partly accommodated by internal deformation.
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