Non-interference topology scheme in wireless sensor networks

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaoyaoyy1188
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A novel topology scheme, cell with multiple mobile sinks method (CMMSM), is proposed in this article for the collection of information and for the environment monitoring in wireless sensor networks. The system consists of many static sensors, scattered in a large scale sensing field and multiple mobile sinks, cruising among the clusters. Conservation of energy and simplification of protocol are important design considerations in this scheme. The noninterference topology scheme largely simplifies the full-distributed communication protocol with the ability of collision avoidance and random routing. The total number of cluster heads in such a topology was analyzed, and then an approximate evaluation of the total energy consumption in one round was carried out. Simulation results show that CMMSM can save considerable energy and obtain higher throughput than low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and geographical adaptive fidelity (GAF). A novel topology scheme, cell with multiple mobile sinks method (CMMSM), is proposed in this article for the collection of information and for the environment monitoring in wireless sensor networks. The system consists of many static sensors, scattered in a large scale sensing field and multiple mobile sinks, cruising among the clusters. Conservation of energy and simplification of protocols are important design considerations in this scheme. The noninterference topology scheme primarily simplifies the full-distributed communication protocol with the ability of collision avoidance and random routing. The total number of cluster heads in such a topology was analyzed, and then an approximate evaluation of the total energy consumption in one round was carried out. Simulation results show that CMMSM can save considerable energy and obtain higher throughput than low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and geographical adaptive fidelity (GAF).
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