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前几年,这样那样的失控消息常从经济生活中传出。高级轿车进口失控哪,彩电生产线引入失控哪,国外运来电冰箱压缩机失控哪,输出一些重要金属失控哪。评论文章接二连三,说到后来,得出结论:要加强宏观调控。 治理整顿声中,从报刊上看到的失控报道少得多,但也并非全然绝迹。国产超声波显象仪本足够使用,仍大量购买洋货,几年内损失外汇数亿美元。国内市场疲软,一些产品已被限制生产,仍大量从国外买,进口浦入国门的包括高档和普通消费品。看来,整治不易,失控难控。 一般论者把这些进口失控归因于崇拜洋货,未提倡国货,自不无道理。在 In previous years, such out-of-control news often came from economic life. Where the limousine imports are out of control, where the introduction of color TV production lines is out of control, where foreign shipments of refrigerator compressors get out of control, output of some important metals is out of control. One after another, the review article spoke in succession and concluded that we must strengthen macro-control. In the sound of rectification and reorganization, there have been far fewer reports of out of control from the press, but it has not been completely eliminated. The domestic ultrasonic imaging device was sufficient for use, and it still purchased a large amount of foreign goods. In a few years, it lost hundreds of millions of foreign exchange. The domestic market is weak. Some products have been restricted from production and are still bought from abroad. Imports into the country include high-end and general consumer goods. It seems that remediation is not easy, and it is difficult to control it. It is not unreasonable for the generalists to attribute these uncontrolled imports to the worship of foreign goods and not promote domestic goods. in
乡贤郑板桥在家书里说:“暇日咽碎米饼,煮糊涂粥,双手捧碗,宿颈而啜之,霜晨雪早,得此周身俱暖。”我想板桥喝粥时,必搛嚼着清雅喷香的水咸菜吧。陈年光影里的水咸菜,承载着旧日的清贫和饥馑、欢乐和忧伤,牵动着我蓬勃温暖的乡愁。  清寒冬日,天地简静,农妇们总是忙碌着腌咸菜。冬阳惨淡,女人们把茎肥叶大的腌菜和茎细叶卷的雪里蕻摊在院墙上、草垛上晒上五六个日头,瘪了,蔫了,就可以腌水咸菜了。  母亲边撒粗盐边
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近年来,随着高等职业技术教育在高等教育中重要地位的确立,其培养目标也越来越明确,越来越具体。英语作为职业知识结构和职业能力结构中不可或缺的一 In recent years, with