
来源 :人民戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harryvincent
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在伟大领袖和导师毛主席逝世一周年前夕,许多文艺团体演出了歌颂杨开慧烈士的剧目,并邀请我观看了中国京剧团的京剧《蝶恋花》、总政歌舞团舞剧《骄杨颂》、中国舞剧团的舞剧《骄杨》以及沈阳部队歌舞团舞剧《蝶恋花》,使我更加怀念伟大领袖毛主席,怀念开慧烈士和其他革命先烈。抚今追昔,感慨系之,特赋七绝五首,以志纪念。 On the eve of the first anniversary of the death of the great leader and teacher Chairman Mao, many literary and art organizations performed rehearsals of the martyr Yang Kaihui and invited me to watch the Peking Opera “Butterfly Love Flower” of the Chinese Peking Opera Troupe and the “proud Yang Song” The dance genre “Arrogance Yang” of the Chinese dance troupe and the “Butterfly Love Flower” of the dance troupe of Shenyang Military Region remind me of the great leader Chairman Mao, the memory of Kai Hui Martyrs and other revolutionary martyrs. Recalling the past, emotion, Department of the Department of special five, in order to commemorate.