桦甸市 “从现在到年末,学习好新安法是全市中心工作之一”

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“从现在开始到年末,学习好新安法是全市中心工作之一。”这是9月19日上午,桦甸市委书记邱鹏在全市常委扩大会议上发出的动员令。《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈中华人民共和国安全生产法〉的决定》公布后,桦甸市委、市政府对此高度重视,当即要求安监局抓紧时间收集相关学习资料,为学习做好准备,主要领导亲自到市安监局协调部署具体工作。市安监局办公室主任石若星当即组织相关人员从报纸上、网络上整理、下载有关资料,并与省市安全宣教部门沟通,询问查找相关信息,索取有关影视资料。目前,该局将相关资料汇集成册,将影视资料刻录成影碟。原来,9月18日,省安监局局长曹宇光等领导专程来到桦甸市与企业领导人座谈交流,并就新安法的贯彻实施进 “From now until the end of the year, studying Xin’an is one of the city’s central tasks. ” This is the morning of September 19, Huadian Municipal Party Committee Secretary Qiu Peng mobilization order issued by the Standing Committee of the city. Huadian municipal government attaches great importance immediately after the promulgation of the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Amending the Law on the Safety Production of the People’s Republic of China and immediately asked the Safety Supervision Bureau to seize the time to collect the relevant study materials and do a good job in studying Preparation, the main leader in person to the Urban Safety Supervision Bureau to coordinate the deployment of specific work. Shi Ruoxing, director of the Office of the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau immediately organized relevant personnel to organize and download relevant materials from the newspapers and online, and communicated with provincial and ministerial security propaganda departments to inquire relevant information and obtain relevant film and television materials. At present, the bureau brings together the relevant information into a book, recording video and audio materials into DVDs. It turned out that on September 18, the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau Cao Yuguang and other leaders made a special trip to Huadian City and leaders of enterprises to discuss exchanges, and the implementation of the new Security Act
中国的铁路不是一般的铁路。通过铁路,国家和城市源源不断地从农村汲取各种资源,以满足城市现代化建设的需要,同时也把各种工业品运往农村卖给农 China’s railway is not a