What is Going on in a Critical Thermosyphon?

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itolbaxk
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Critically filled thermosyphons for heat transport differ in size and temperature distribution from critically filled testcells for property research. Consequently, the thermodynamic states within a thermosyphon are distributed more heterogeneously. In a glass thermosyphon, flows and phase distributions were observed. A break down of the heat transport mechanism was found as a consequence of flooding the cooling region with liquid. Observed and explained-by use of a density/pressure diagram-were the effects of heating, of pressure and of fluid quantity on the distribution of the phases, the appearance of pulsations and the propagation of a heat pulse near the critical state.  In a glass thermosyphon for heat transport differ in size and temperature distribution from critically filled test cells for property research. Therefore, the thermodynamic states within a thermosyphon are distributed more heterogeneously. A break down of the heat transport mechanism was found as a consequence of flooding the cooling region with liquid. Observed and explained-by use of a density / pressure diagram-were the effects of heating, of pressure and of fluid quantity on the distribution of the phases, the appearance of pulsations and the propagation of a heat pulse near the critical state. 
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