Since 1979, Wuchang Steel has continuously strengthened and improved its organizational system and technical management of non-destructive testing of the whole plant. It has formulated and established a set of technical management procedures for non-destructive testing. It has a non-destructive testing team of over 90 people. In order to expand the application of non-destructive testing technology, in recent years the factory continuously carry out research on testing technology, organization and technology research. At present, there are seven subjects such as ultrasonic testing equipment for φ6 ~ 12mm aeronautical steel pipe, which have respectively won the Shanghai Prize for Scientific and Technological Achievements and the Prize for Science and Technology Achievements of the Ministry of Metallurgy. The factory is also responsible for the drafting of four national technical standards such as the ultrasonic testing method of forged and rolled steel rods. Over the past few years the plant has been completed and put into operation a square billet, steel ultrasonic testing; wrought steel bar, round cake water intrusion method